Chapter 133

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Know that I changed canon to fit the story, so please have mercy and don't come screaming "HE HAS A QUIRK!!!" at me. I know this. I promise I know pls pls I have a family--

This is a bit of a filler, but it was fun to write (: 

Third person pov

"I'm sorry. The press wants to come here?" Hitoshi raised an eyebrow at Aizawa as he stared drearily at the rest of the class. News that a reporter was being let onto campus was... well, it was surprising to say the least. After all that happened, the media seemed like the last thing on anyone's mind. They could all see the appeal. With the heavy criticism UA was under, it would be a good idea to let the world know how well they were settling into the dorms. It could prove to be good for all the parents who have students in the UA dormitories as well. A sort of message to let them know all is well. "Can we refuse?"

"No." Aizawa stated blandly. Lillian frowned. Okay, so they were being non-consensually photographed? Because that wasn't fun. Maybe they could barricade themselves in Shoto and Hitoshi's room for the time being. But then there was always the matter of class... this was going to suck, wasn't it? It wasn't too late to feign her period and pass out. She and Shoto had looked up the pressure points they needed to press so they could do it on demand. Not for any particular reason. It just seemed like a useful skill for on the fly naps in odd places.

"And what if he's here to rock our shit?" Neito asked, raising a brow. He leaned forward slightly, earning a sigh from Aizawa. Of all the friends his daughter made, why was this blonde idiot one of them? "What do we do then?" 

"You're free to leave. I'm not even sure why you're here." Aizawa mumbled irritably, resisting the urge to massage his temples. Bakugo snorted very openly at that, earning himself a glare from his dark-haired teacher. He'd pick Neito over Katsuki Bakugo any day of the fucking week. The explosive teen knew that. At least the undead brat didn't follow his daughter around like a lost puppy. "The reporter coming in is quirkless, as a precaution."

"Okay?" Shoto looked bewildered, glancing up from his phone just to look at their teacher like he lacked a brain. Lillian barked out a spiteful noise that could've been a laugh. Bakugo just rolled his eyes as though what he'd said meant nothing. To them, maybe it didn't. 

"Bro, he'd still ruin us." Kaminari sighed with a shake of his head. "I mean, look at Chad! That guy has like, twenty knives on him at any given time. And those are just the ones I've seen!"

"Thirty-seven." Lillian muttered under her breath. Mina and Ojiro shot the girl a concerned look.

"I can assure you he's being thoroughly checked over for any dangerous contraband." Aizawa rolled his eyes. Lillian definitely laughed this time, shaking her head and patting Shoto on the back as the half-and-half teen deflated. Aizawa tried not to feel too concerned. Honestly, he hadn't really seen Chad in action all that much. He knew the man was capable. He wasn't trying to underestimate those without a given power. The lack of power was to try and ease the minds of some of his more... on-edge students, he supposed. 

Perhaps some more thought should've been put into this. Nezu had approved Chad as their first line of defense at UA, and that didn't mean nothing. However, one could argue that he had also agreed to allow this reporter in at the same time. There were a lot of variables thrown out in the air to consider. Most of 1-A looked relatively okay with the idea. A few of them were even excited by the prospect! He could just the sentiment wasn't as wide-spread as he'd hoped it would be, that's all. 

Those of his students who'd really been put through the wringer probably didn't want a camera being shoved in their face. The main group who'd been involved with Kamino Ward aside, he could see students like Uraraka and Iida still coping with the betrayal of their friend, and Hitoshi still recovering from his lost limb. Tokoyami ashamed of how his quirk had escaped him, and Momo feeling insecure about herself after all that had gone down at the summer camp. He wished Nezu had refused, or at least given Aizawa the chance to. What a pain.

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