Chapter 69

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S i x t y - n i n e

And for those of you concerned about the note that was previously at the bottom of the last chapter, about the eye drops,,, I left that for myself so I'd remember to give my dog her eye drops after I finished the chapter. I could have sworn I deleted it before so uh sorry about that ignore me-

Third person pov

If they noticed the fact that Lillian was missing her medal when she arrived at the exit, they didn't mention it. Instead they just insisted that Todoroki come with them while Lillian dials up Chad to see what he can do about Todoroki's belongings. The meme three would sooner hold the boy hostage than allow him to go back to that house. Lillian had already had the displeasure of holding a conversation with Endeavor. But to live with him? The girl couldn't imagine it without her temper rising.

"Are you sure you need me for this?" Todoroki questioned. Secretly, he was a bit glad they were calling him away. It meant he didn't have to go home just yet. If he was lucky, they'd be needing his help for the rest of the evening. He didn't care how tedious the task happened to be. He felt like he was finally making some friends, and it was keeping him away from his house. Where his father was. He wouldn't be happy about the fact that Shoto didn't place in the finals.

"Without a doubt." Hitoshi promised. "We need to stop at the store on the way there, though. You okay with that?"

Todoroki looked relieved at the mention of a detour. More stops, more time spent away from home and in the company of people he actually enjoyed being around. He gave a nod to the purple-haired boy. Neito grinned widely at him like he knew something. Todoroki didn't quite know how to feel about that. He was somewhat weirded out... but in an oddly good way. It didn't make much sense. 

Lillian's phone stopped ringing and gave a click. He'd picked up.

"Talk to me." Chad answered, mouth full of funnel cake. He was in his car waiting for Lillian's call. He wasn't sure how, but he knew the kids would be needing something. He'd already taken the day off anyway, so it's not like he had anything better to do. Sitting around waiting for the kids to call in need wasn't the worst past time. It was sure better than hanging out with the other guys from the business course at his university as they took down their glorious ad. He really deserved a pat on the back for pulling that one off.

"W-We need you to pick s-some stuff up. Clothes, anything that looks like it may be a personal belonging." Lillian kept her voice low so that Todoroki wouldn't hear her. Chad nodded to himself. He was following. "We're forcing Todoroki to move in with us, because his dad is a dick. We need to get his stuff."

"Copy that, Sergeant. Hit me with an address." The blonde young man said, already pulling a notepad into his lap with one hand, holding his cake in the other. His phone was wedged between his ear and shoulder. He wasn't the most useful person. Being quirkless meant pretty much everyone had the upper hand on you, so he liked having shit to do, no matter how hard it might be. Especially if it was for these kids. They were really going places, and he wanted to see that happen. 

"Hey, Todoroki!" Lillian said louder. The man took another bite of his funnel cake, scribbling on the paper to make sure ink would come out. "Out of professional curiosity, what's your address?"

Chad waited patiently, writing down the address when it was finally given. He clicked the pen and dropped it in the cup-holder, already reaching for his GPS. Neito's voice could faintly be heard asking if Todoroki had any food preferences or allergies. Chad couldn't help but snort just a little. They were just lucky that half-and-half kid was so dense. He would have caught on by now if not for that.

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