Chapter 96

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Third person pov

Dabi was horrified. How could one man have so many knives on his person? Should he be impressed, or terrified? Not only that, but how had Chad hid so many guns? Guns were bulky, and yet Dabi hadn't noticed a single one on the guy. Chad could have easily shot him with one of the five different firearms he had, and stabbed him with one of the twenty-two knives he had tucked away in his clothing. That wasn't even counting the thin, sharp strips of metal without handles reserved for what Dabi supposed had to be emergencies.

Chad was a total oddball. Dabi had never in his life run into someone like him, and Dabi had run across plenty of different types. Never a quirkless badass who was slowly eliminating the Yakuza with firepower and skill alone, who was the self-proclaimed father of a weird little girl and creepy gremlin of a creature. Not one who was in college, and doubled as an Uber Eats driver. Not one that 'had something living in his couch, but don't worry, it wouldn't eat you if you didn't touch it.' Not one with enough weapons on him to fill a small armory. 

"When you're quirkless, you learn shit." Chad shrugged. "Now, I've got class. Don't let Vlad near my toaster. Peace."

"Wait, what?" Dabi sputtered as Chad began to slide his weapons back into the places he'd gotten them from. Chad raised an eyebrow at him as though he were an idiot. Dabi felt like one under the other man's piercing golden eyes. Dabi couldn't help but admit that Chad had managed to get about ten times more attractive in the last twenty minutes by divulging his on-person weapon's collection to him. Dabi was pretty sure Chad had more knives hidden on him, but didn't want to reveal where they were. That was both hot and respectable. Dabi clearly had very off, very unique tastes. 

"I've got one more class before I get off for summer break. Can't miss it. There's a pretty important test." Chad said, shoving a granola bar in his mouth as he grabbed his keys. The scarred man watched him, not sure what to do or say. How did he even react to this? Not to mention he really didn't want to be stuck in an apartment with whatever the hell Vlad was. Those beady eyes would surely be making appearance in the depths of Dabi's worst nightmares tonight. Plus, what about the thing in the couch? Chad had seemed serious, and Dabi got the impression that the guy didn't fuck with people in such a manner.

"I'll just leave." Dabi said on reflex, knowing full and well he'd feel far too obligated to just up and bolt if Chad left him here. And mildly threatened. Would Chad be pissed if he walked off? Would he hunt him down and slit his throat with one of his many knives, or maybe blow his brains out with the several guns he no doubt owned? The thought made Dabi shiver, but only because he knew it was a real possibility. This man hadn't been found by the Yakuza yet. Or maybe he had, but he clearly wasn't dead.

"Will you, though? Besides, you're my only option. My usual babysitter is swamped, and I don't want to pile Eri and Vlad onto that." Chad grinned, taking a big bite out of the granola bar. He shot a wink at the stunned man sitting at his table before sliding out the door. "Be good for Dabi, Eri! Don't start anymore fires with the glassware!"

"It was for science!" Eri called back just as the door closed. The little girl huffed indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest and sharing a look with Vlad, who mimicked her movements right down to the hunch of her little shoulders with vigor. Dabi's mouth snapped shut with an audible clack of his teeth once he realized he'd been gaping, and he breathed out slowly through his nose. Right. He was on babysitting duty. How hard could that be? Of course, he could totally leave. But he was risking angering someone he was sure was dangerous if he did so. Dabi was a bit of an idiot, but in no way was he a moron. 

Silence fell over the apartment, the only sound to permeate the air being the TV in the background. Eri was staring at Dabi from over the back of the couch, and Vlad was doing the same thing. He stared right back at them. Vlad wasn't so terrifying when he wasn't moving, but that was due to the fact that Dabi was pretending he was an actual statue. Just a really extravagant art instillation. In the living room of a raggedy apartment. That Dabi had... somehow gotten himself stuck in.

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