Chapter 64

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Third person pov

It wasn't how anyone expected the first match to go, but that's how the mafia works. Lillian and Neito all but tackled Hitoshi to the ground when he came up to where they were sitting. Lillian had left Yeet to rest in her cleavage. Yes, she knew it wasn't the best place for him, but at least he'd be warm. It was whatever. If anyone made any inquiries about it, she'd just act offended enough that they apologized for bringing it up. Well, that's what she liked to think she'd do. In reality, she'd probably just cry until they got uncomfortable and speed walked away.

Hatsume and Iida were against each other now, but it really wasn't much of a... fight, per say. Just Hatsume advertising her gear for any support companies watching. Poor Iida looked so lost and confused. Lillian felt nothing but pity for him. She didn't know much about the Support Course, but apparently they were a force to be reckoned with. Especially Mei Hatsume, who was apparently the most insane member in the whole thing. Class 1-H had suffered many explosions and rogue projectiles due to her.

More than once she'd walked past 1-H's classroom, and more than once she'd seen it with its door blown off. Faint screams she sometimes heard during class told her that things were pretty serious, as were the massive explosions akin to Bakugo's that would at times rock the building. People had gotten pretty used to them now, but it was still relatively concerning. 

"I hope Midoriya doesn't accidentally kill himself trying to help out Todoroki. He looked pretty serious when we appointed him as the therapist." Neito had a Endeavor-themed notebook with the eyes scratched out and was scribbling away about their plans to take said man down. A little creepy, but it was the only one he could find that they were selling here in the stands. He'd written the word "ANNIHILATION" in bold black marker across the front. Hitoshi and Lillian wondered if they should get him mental help too.

They needed to know the depth of Todoroki's trauma so they could help him, or a professional needed to. Just so long as they could get something on record, perhaps. The fact that he was refusing to use his fire was concerning. Lillian wondered if Midoriya would try to do something about that. The half-and-half boy had told Midoriya what he told them-- he would never use his father's power. That seemed to really bother Izuku.

"Y-Yeah, if he overdoes it..." Lillian winced at the thought. She wasn't best friends with Midoriya or anything, but he was best friends with Ochako and Iida, so she'd found herself sucked into a conversation with him more than once. During training, he was probably the most determined and driven one there. Not to mention self destructive. Hell, he'd blown himself up just to place in the top five during the first portion of the festival.

"How many bones do you think he's going to break? Should we be starting a betting pool? We could make some serious profit off this." Hitoshi was only half joking as he said this, as Lillian had recounted some of his risky training feats in the past. Class 1-B was sitting as far from them as humanely possible, eyeing Lillian who they'd just seen drop a snake down the front of her shirt, Neito who was practically foaming at the mouth muttering about how to bring down the Number Two hero, and Hitoshi, who was trying to figure out how many bones Midoriya would break. They were quite the trio.

"At least five of his fingers. He may tr-try using them twice, maybe. He tries to use up an entire hand before he moves to another. He'll probably break an arm as well... a-a leg, too." Lillian trailed off thoughtfully. It was true that he flicked a single finger rather than punching at first. Why break more bones than you have to, right? It was sort of terrifying to watch, but at least he had... adapted somewhat. She really hoped he got a hold on his quirk soon.

"Pain tolerance who?" Neito chimed.

"You said it." Hitoshi snorted. Lillian stood up, yawning. She really needed to pee. And get more eye drops. She should have just begged her teacher for the bottle. The girl had little self confidence anyway, so there was literally nothing to lose. She barely knew what dignity was at this point. She was too anxious to have such a thing.

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