Chapter 99

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Chad contest ends July 1st I wanna say. So post your Chad's, tag me, and then go commemt on that chapter note thing when you're donesies my broskis

This is also a useless filler and I'm sorry
Third person pov

"Whoa, Lillian, are you okay?!" Ochako yelped as Aizawa carefully deposited Lillian in the seat across from Shoto's, Hitoshi carefully taking the one beside the freckled girl's. The half-and-half boy wordlessly set a plate in front of her, already full of most of her favorite things from the given selection. Aizawa prodded her back until she fully sat up, seeming more awake at the promise of food. He grunted, eyeing his daughter cautiously before glancing to her purple-haired companion, who gave a reassuring nod. Aizawa gave a miniscule one back before turning on his heel and walking off.

"She's fine." Shoto said blandly. Next to him, Izuku gave Lillian a quick once-over before nodding. Yeah, she was okay. Not the very best, but she could definitely be worse. The blood on her shirt was a bit disconcerting, but not much of 1-A was all too squeamish nowadays. Even if they were, most were too starved to give two shits and a damn about literally anything. Aoyama's pants had gotten a substantial amount of bile on them, and he was elegantly eating his food with no issues. It was the same for Ochako.

"Are you sure? She looks kind of dead to be honest." Sero admitted as Hitoshi broke the girl's chopsticks for her and shoved them in her hand. Bakugo glanced over. Regrettably, he was all the way over by Kirishima, who was the one sitting next to the Icyhot bastard. So yeah, he had a good view of Lillian, but he wasn't exactly close. Not as close as he wanted to be. Hitoshi seemed to sense his gaze, because he shot the explosive blonde a warning glare. Bakugo sneered back. Who the fuck did this Turnip Bastard think he was? Bakugo was the one in love with her, according to that dumbass article.

"Oh, I-I'm fine." Lillian said distantly. "I died on the inside a-a long time ago. There wasn't m-much left I could lose from that."

"Man, that's kind of dark." Kirishima commented, his mouth full of rice. Lillian blinked a few times. She'd essentially drowned her icy blues in eye drops, and for what? They were still drier than the Sahara, and it was only getting worse the longer she had those peepers open. The food smelled delicious, but all that blood puking had left an uncomfortable pit in her stomach. One she really didn't feel much like throwing food into. 

She still felt a whole lot calmer than she thought she would after that. Lillian had originally been ready to gut her father and stick his head on a pike as a warning to all who dared throw her into that Bear Grylls bullshit. But now that it was all over, it wasn't so bad. She ached all over, but she hadn't died or lost any limbs. Plus, she loved her dad. Even if his way of teaching was harsh as all hell. That being said, she couldn't deny it was effective. Hindsight 20/20-- she should have seen this coming. After the training before the sports festival. This was like the purgatory, hell, period cramp, death mash-up version of that. A mix tape that was fire in a bad way.

"You should definitely eat something, Lillian. Even if you don't feel like it." Izuku tentatively commented. She looked up, and he flushed with embarrassment. "I-I mean, we went the entire day without food! And you've lost a lot of blood, so..."

"He wants you," Hitoshi poked her, "to shove food," He pointed at the plate, "down the hatch."

"I may be bordering on brain dead, but I'm not deaf." Lillian swatted at his hand, and he rolled his eyes in a over dramatic fashion. The girl narrowed her eyes at him, pressing her lips together firmly before pointedly stabbing a piece of chicken with one of her chopsticks. In a manner that would make even the most methodical eaters proud-- namely Chad-- she popped it in, chewed it with swift efficiency, and then allowed it to get sucked down her throat and into the endless black hole residing deep in her stomach. Something within her flipped almost instantaneously, the flames of hunger immediately igniting. This was the end of a potential argument, but it was the start of something much greater.

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