Chapter 91

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Third person pov

Literal TNT:
How do you think you did on the fucking written portion of the exams?

Freckled Aizawa:
Oh, I probably failed

Freckled Aizawa:
You win some, you lose some. Huzzah!

Literal TNT:
If you don't come to the fucking summer camp, I'll kill you

Freckled Aizawa: 

Sounds counter productive. 

Literal TNT:
You don't know shit

Literal TNT:
You really moving in with Mr. Aizawa this weekend?

Freckled Aizawa:
Yeah! I'm pretty nervous, but excited too. Mr. Aizawa seems really excited.

Literal TNT:
Need help?

Freckled Aizawa:
I don't think so. Chad said he's going to bring Vlad. Mr. Aizawa probably won't like that all that much, but I'm sure it'll be fine!

Literal TNT:
Take pictures if he tries to kill the thing

Literal TNT:
Why the fuck aren't you asleep?

Freckled Aizawa:
Well, why aren't you?

Literal TNT:
Because I'm hungry as shit and have homework to finish

Freckled Aizawa:
Don't move

Freckled Aizawa:
I'll bring you some of our pizza.

Literal TNT:
What the fuck

Literal TNT:
Freckles, what the fuck do you mean you'll bring me some???

Literal TNT:
It's three in the fucking morning

Literal TNT:
Answer me, dammit!

Bakugo tried, and failed, to suppress his grin as he fell back onto his bed. He let his phone fall to his side and simply stared at the ceiling instead. It had been about a week since Lillian came over and ate dinner, and he was honestly pretty fucking content. Sure, she hadn't come over since then, despite his parent's constant questions, but that was fine. They hadn't even talked at school, instead reverting back to their texting and phone calls. He was fine with that. He was fine with it all.

Things seemed... brighter somehow. Like shit was going well or something. Sure, it had been fine before, but it seemed good now. Better, he guessed he should say. He was in the hero course, and he supposed he had some real friends now, and talking to Lillian made his heart feel light and less shitty. He was making good grades in all his classes and felt less and less angry day by day. That constant heat that seemed to simmer within him had cooled into something far more pleasant. Even his parents had taken notice of the change in his attitude, as had his classmates and teachers.

He was excited for the summer camp, in all honesty. Bettering his quirk plus spending a week with Lillian? That being said, her damn friends were going to be there as well. Turnip, undead fucker, and Icyhot would be stuck to her like glue just like they always were. He wasn't sure how he'd approach her then. He severely doubted she'd actually failed the written portion like she assumed, and with her quirk, there was no fucking way she was flunking the practical. It just wasn't going to happen.

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