Chapter 77

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1.) Shouldn't be too many typos but I have no faith in myself

2.) I can't write fight scenes. Like, at all. I apologize.

3.) I know things have been slow rolling but I promise they pick back up sksk.

Third person pov

So there was a big fucking problem.

"They've surrounded the studio." Mic said into the phone. Lillian was sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, trying to calm herself down as Yeet slithered between her fingers happily. He'd eaten literally moments before the internships began, finishing his meal right when they were ready to leave the house. That meant he was good for another five to six days. Surely the crowd outside would be gone by then. She wasn't sure who all was in it, but it seemed to be made up of reporters and fans. She and Mic had both woken up to them just... well, standing out there.

"Of course I told them to go away! You think I'd be calling you if they listened?" Mr. Mic was very clearly getting quite annoyed. Lillian sunk further into her blanket, watching him pace. It was weird to see him out of his hero costume, but sort of nice. It was like she was getting to see a whole other side of her favorite hero. This version was just as cool as his hero one. In her eyes, Hizashi Yamada and Present Mic were equal, and that was pretty amazing. Not many heroes could say their hero personas stayed true to who they were as a person. 

"Fine, fine. Just send a patrol car or two. Seriously, Shota hasn't been picking up the phone so I think he may have drunk himself into a coma again." Mic sighed. "Alright, thanks. Peace out."

Lillian perked up as his phone gave a beep, signalling the end of the call. She watched the blonde man give an exaggerated groan, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling. Honestly, Mic was pretty much done. He just wanted to take his cute little listener to get some American Style pancakes when tragedy struck. They were surrounded. What Lillian called "memers" had crawled from their holes looking for an autograph or two, and the press had noticed Mic's show rocket up the ratings overnight, and they wanted both answers and interviews.

"Don't worry, Little Listener. I'm sure this will all sort itself out soon." Mic paused for a moment. "And I'm sure Eraser is just fine."

Lillian gave a small nod and a hesitant smile, eyes trailing down to her phone when it gave off a ding. She tapped the notification and watched it bring up Hitoshi's messages. She'd texted him when she woke up, but hadn't received a response. Of course, it was Saturday so she was expecting him to sleep in about as much as he always did. Seeing him not respond at noon wasn't that concerning. Now, she felt the color drain from her face as she gazed at his message. 

"U-Um..." Lillian looked up, blinking. "H-Hitoshi is with M-Mr. Aizawa. A-Apparently he just found o-out he's a d-dad?" She frowned, wondering what that must be like. At his desk, water sprayed from Mic's mouth in response to the girl's words. Lillian tried not to wince as he began to cough and choke, turning to face her with wide eyes. She shrugged, pointing the screen in his direction. He leaned forward to try and get a better look, looking marginally uncomfortable.

"O-Oh, wow. I wonder who the kid is." Mic laughed nervously, eyes darting away from her as he sat down. Lillian watched him fidget. "Hey, why don't we go on the air? I bet the fans would love it! Maybe some outside will go home to listen! Or they'll see that we're busy and go away!" His suggestion was followed by more nervous laughter that made Lillian wonder if he was okay. She knew Mr. Mic and Mr. Aizawa were really good friends, so maybe he was in a state of shock too.

"O-Okay." Lillian agreed, standing up. She took the blanket with her as she plopped down in the same chair she'd used yesterday. It was the same as Mic's, just a little taller so she could be close enough to the microphone. He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Lillian heard him take a deep breath. She hoped he was okay. This situation had to be pretty stressful for him. She was already on the verge of freaking out, which made her wonder if maybe he was too. Not that he really freaked out all that often.

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