Chapter 67

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I'm hosting a contest so uh,,, details are at the bottom if you're interested. Also read the note at the bottom if you want to know what the actually hell happened to the cover, and why. 

This was written on my phone you guys. I went over like four times checking for typos but if you see "Naruto" anywhere in there, it's because Neito's name kept autocorrecting to it and I'm sorry--

Third person pov

"It seems we've come across a complication." Mic spoke, scratching the back of his neck as he squinted at the paper. Next to him, Aizawa couldn't help but grimace. Count on the two flashiest students in 1-A to accomplish something that hasn't happened in almost twenty years. "With Bakugo and Todoroki both at a draw and out of commission, we're left with an odd number of finalists!" 

Lillian, Hitoshi, and Neito all exchanged glances as the crowd erupted into excited murmurs at the possibilities. It was pretty plain to see just where this was heading. Even better, the Meme Three weren't against it. In fact, they supported the idea of a three-way match. If that's what was decided. The crowd probably expected something more than what they'd inevitably end up doing, but that was besides the point.

In other news, Izuku was okay. His injured hand would never function the same again, but details, details, right? He'd fretted over Lillian despite the one with the lifelong impairment. He seemed quite proud of himself, and Neito had called him 'therapist of the year' which nearly made the boy cry. Suspecting he was on some sort of painkillers, they sent him back to his seat with hugs and back-pats, with the promise to hang out later. Izuku had marched off claiming he was sitting next to Todoroki and wouldn't move from his "station" as he was calling it.

"Poor guy." Hitoshi was. Cameras continued to ghost over them, sometimes stopping to peek at what the trio of finalists were doing it. Neito and Hitoshi did their best to distract Lillian in those moments. The girl was exhausted both physically and mentally. The stress of finding out about Endeavor and running into him on two separate occasion was taking its toll, not to mention the fact that she'd frozen him twice as well. All this happening in the same day had her stressed, anxious, and ready to go home and collapse underneath a pile of blankets. Neito and Hitoshi couldn't blame her.

"Midoriya puts the plus in plus ultra, that's for sure." Neito shook his head a little. Lillian nodded in agreement, watching Yeet curl around her fingers. The feeling of his scales skimming over her skin was a rather satisfying and calming sensation. She was glad he'd been yeeted at her, no matter how terrifying it had been. Even if her life had flashed before her eyes, at least she had a precious son to dote on.

"Alright, go ahead an introduce yourself." Lillian said suddenly. Hitoshi and Neito jumped to attention.

"My name is Michael with a B, and I've been afraid of insects my entire-" Hitoshi started. He was cut off soon after, as he should have been.

"Stop, stop, stop." Neito shook his head. "Where?"

"Hm?" Hitoshi asked.

"Where's the B?" Lillian narrowed her eyes. Hitoshi and Neito both adopted scared looks.

"There's a bee?" They both hissed out shakily, breaking down into what was more of a series of wheezes rather than actual laughter. Lillian grinned at them, shaking her head just a little. She was so lucky. How had she found such cool friends? They were too good for her.

"AAAAnd we're back! The judges have decided on how to solve this little dilemma of ours," Mic grinned, voice echoing across the stadium. "They've decided on a three way match between Hitoshi Shinso, Neito Monoma, and our precious little Lillian! The first person out will take third place, the second will take second, and the last kiddo standing is first! Sound good to everyone else?"

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