Chapter 13

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So like, I love Todoroki but my current obsession is Bakugou so wHO KnOwS 

((P.S. this probably gonna end up being cliche as fuck but like idk who cares anymore am I right--))


hird person pov

"You live here?" Bakugou raised an eyebrow at the house. It was a small, two story home. One of the smallest he'd ever seen, really. He would have expected a student of UA with such a useful quirk to live in a home bigger. Her parents had to be heroes, right? There's no damn way they weren't. Not with the way her quirk was.

"Y-Yes." She reached for her bag. "Th-Thank you. Sorry to be any trouble."

Bakugou gazed down at her dryly, allowing her to take her bag. She swung it back onto her back with some trouble. It seemed she was having trouble with the amount of textbooks in there. He shook his head. He'd never met such a weird chick. She was short, scrawny, and sort of pathetic. He didn't get how someone like that could get into the hero course... he supposed if Deku did, she could.

"Yeah, whatever." He scoffed, turning away. He shoved his hands into his pockets. "Don't expect me to do it again, you hear me?!"

"R-Right." Lillian nodded, shuffling up to her door. She glanced back at Bakugou. He raised an eyebrow at her. She was a short little thing, but he guessed she wasn't completely ugly. Not like some of the girls in their glass. Damn, they were whoreish. At least this chick had the common sense to get her hair out of her face. And she was wearing leggings with that absurdly short skirt. 

Bakugou turned away as the girl entered her house, slipping through the door. She was alright. She seemed better than the other, whiny girls in her class. They were loud idiots. And getting twelfth place on the quirk assessment test wasn't too shabby, either. Better than last. He scoffed. 



"You're home!" Lillian's mother squealed with absolute delight upon seeing her daughter, and her father came crashing down the stairs soon after. "How was it?!"

"U-Uh... good." Lillian blinked at them, not sure what else to say. It was alright, she supposed. The thing with Bakugou had definitely shaken her. She hadn't been expecting him to show up, yell at her, make her cry, and then offer to carry her bag. Not even a little. It had definitely put a dent in her day.

"Did you make any friends?" Lillian's dad asked, eyes shining. Lillian felt her cheeks heat up a little.

"Yeah, some." She said quietly. 

"Did you see All Might?" Her mother asked. "Oh, let me get a picture of you!"

"E-Eh?" She blinked rapidly as the flash of a camera went of in her face, leaving her momentarily blinded. She shook her head slightly. Her parents were way, way too excited. It was just school! Albeit, it was the top hero school that was nearly impossible to get into...

"Mom's making your favorite tonight." Her dad announced. "Honey, send me those photos. The guys at work will want to see. They'll all be so proud! Oh, and the family is going to call tonight. We're all so excited!"

Lillian didn't even know anyone at her dad's work. She'd seen his boss once or twice, but words were never exchanged. She wasn't even sure they'd ever made eye contact! It was completely insane how invested they all seemed in her and her... hero career. Or maybe her dad was just bragging. 

"I...I'm going to go put my stuff in my room..." Lillian trailed off, feeling flustered and embarrassed. She didn't know what to do. She knew they were going to press her for details, but honestly, she didn't feel like talking about it. She was worn out. That quirk assessment test was something she'd tried her best on, and it had just about done her in. She yawned.

Trudging up stairs, eager to get out of her uniform, Lillian couldn't help but feel happy. She hadn't got expelled, and she'd even managed to make a few friends!

It was a good day

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