Chapter 95

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This story does NOT cross over with Feral, or any other stories. I'm sorry if the reference made you think that. In hindsight, I totally shouldn't have done that, or I at least should have put a note. But just to be clear, it's way, way too late for the two stories to cross over, especially considering the two separate plots I have in mind. It would mess up both stories greatly and it's just not happening. Just a reference y'all, sorry to disappoint.

Third person pov

Lillian, Hitoshi, and Shoto were all on edge, and they had been since the end of the exam. Nobody was telling them anything. Neito wouldn't answer his texts, but they were all assuming he didn't have his phone on him anyway. Mr. Aizawa didn't seem to know what was going on, but he appeared reasonably concerned, as did Mr. Mic. Still, that didn't give them answers as to where their friend was, and more importantly, why he was wherever he was to begin with. Something had to have happened. 

The situation was less than optimal. Lillian was paler than usual and seemed exhausted, the bags under her eyes almost as bad as Hitoshi's happened to be. The purple-haired teen had been talking with Chad, but even he wasn't sure where their currently-undead friend was located. All he knew was that Tsukauchi was involved but couldn't talk about it, and that Neito was somewhere safe. It wasn't much relief, but it was enough to get them both to sleep a few hours extra each night rather than trying to live off three every twenty-four hour time period.

"I'm sure he's fine." Bakugo grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. Even though they'd all passed the final exams, it was still a relief to hear that everyone would be able to attend the upcoming summer camp. Even if those who'd failed would have to go through extra lessons. It wasn't the worst, and Lillian thought it was preferable over being left behind. Most of 1-A had decided to go out to the mall for supplies. Hiking shoes, duffel bags, sturdier water bottles, outdoor clothes, the whole works.

Lillian had decided not to go in the end, especially since Aizawa had handled pretty much everything. And by that she meant he'd bought her far, far too much stuff. She wasn't sure what to do with all of it at this point. Plus, Mic had invited her to appear on the radio show one more time before going off to summer camp. It's where she was on the way to now, Hitoshi and Shoto trailing behind her. Hitoshi didn't want to go to the mall without Lillian, since he was fairly new to the class. Shoto was going to branch off from them halfway and go have lunch with his mother, Fuyumi, and Natsuo so they could have some family time before he left for summer camp.

And then there was Bakugo, who yes, just so happened to be present as well. Nobody was entirely sure just what his purpose here was, but they weren't about to ask questions. He'd been acting slightly off ever since the exams. Lillian and Hitoshi both suspected he was sick, but Todoroki would just sadly shake his head like he knew something neither of them did. They had questions, but they weren't going to ask. The half-and-half boy wouldn't tell, and Bakugo was about as closed-book as it got. If they wanted answers, they'd have to get them themselves. 

As for his behavior, he was a lot... touchier. But also not. He'd maybe put a hand on her shoulder briefly or let them brush elbows before retreating and assessing with narrowed eyes. If Lillian didn't know any better, she'd call him skeptical of... something. He was definitely testing something. What exactly he was testing remained to be seen. Lillian knew she should probably just ask. Of course he'd never give her a straight answer outright, but she'd pry it out of him. And if she couldn't, then Mitsuki was a terrifying woman of many talents.

"So why the fuck are we going with you to this thing again?" Bakugo sounded as though he were complaining. Lillian raised an eyebrow at him experimentally. Sure, she didn't exactly claim to understand the guy, but really? She'd offhandedly mentioned in a text that they were about to leave and he all violated the public quirk use laws to fly over to where she was at Hitoshi's. She'd never seen anyone sprint so fast in her life. He'd been sweating so much he could probably blow up the sun with the sheer force he could no doubt concoct from it.

"You wanted to be here, jackass. You invited yourself." Hitoshi butted in as Shoto silently departed. Lillian waved across the street at Rei and Fuyumi, and the young man she assumed was Natsuo. They returned with enthusiastic vigor, smiles on their faces. It was definitely a nice contrast to the pale fear on their faces not all that long ago. It made her feel warm inside, knowing she'd helped to demote him to third place, and that her words had helped Rei get discharged, and that her words had helped get the bastard arrested, even.

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