Chapter 2

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{Edited 4/30/2021}

Lillian's pov

"Keepin' it mellow, huh? That's fine; I'll skip straight to the main show." Present Mic said when the room remained silent. I barely breathed, too afraid making a noise would draw attention to me in the now fairly-silent room. Beside me, Shinso shifted to gaze to the pro hero in front of us. I wonder if Shinso will know him someday. It seems likely, especially since I have zero doubt about Shinso getting in. How can you go wrong with mind control? What are the villains gonna do? He'll just ask them to walk to the police station and they'll do it! Not that I know the logistics or want to assume, of course, but come on! 

Present Mic was just as large as life as I had always known him to be. He was basically my opposite if you wanted to go that far. He was loud, and confident, and had a sense of humor that could keep a crowd laughing for hours. His untamable charisma was one of the many reasons I couldn't help but admire him so much as a hero. He hosted radio shows that touched on insightful topics and drew attention to the movements taht desperately needed it. He was the definition of a hero. I knew this to be a fact set in stone, without a doubt in my mind. 

"Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay?" Present Mic said. I jumped slightly as a loud guitar riff sounded. I tried not to feel too flustered. Present Mic was so insanely cool that I could hardly wrap my head around it. What sort of school orientation held this sort of energy? I wished she were confident enough to return it. "Are you read-ay?!"

There was silence once more. Super awkward, but not surprising. I still couldn't help but feel a little bad for the pro, who deflated like a stuck balloon for all of one second before he was popping back up again with renewed vigor. I tried to swallow my anxiety as best I could. If anyone's out of place here, it's me. I'm literally not even supposed to be here. I don't know where I got the nerve. Maybe it's a genetic thing. 

"Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there competing in ten minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings!" Present Mic announced. My heart dropped. I inhaled slowly, trying to keep my panic at bay as best I could. This is fine, right? I knew this going in. 

There's no way I can back down now. I'm already here, and though I was dreading this, it was a little too late to back out. I have to give it a go. I've been given a frankly jacked quirk, so I've got to buckle down so that I can at least tell myself I tried. Even if I die in the middle of the exam, whether it be from shock or some other unforeseen force, at least I'd have made some sort of attempt at my dream. I'm just sorry my parents will have to hash out for my funeral. Maybe I could write a quick note letting them know it was okay to send me of on a flaming raft at sea. 

"Gird your loins, my friends. After I drop the mic you'll be herded off to your specified battle center, okay?" Mic grinned brightly. It did nothing to reassure me. Fun fact of the day; I am about to get absolutely fucking folded. Pardon my french. 

I hesitantly flipped up my card to see that I'd gotten put in Battle center A. I swallowed thickly, glancing at Shinso. I would like to make note that I did not in fact look at his card. That would be an invasion of his privacy. Besides, they're clearly trying to split us up, so I'm sure we aren't in the same place anyway. That would be anti-climactic. Right? Not that us being in the same place would matter. Teaming up was unspoken of, and I met Shinso about .7 seconds ago. We'd have to know each other for at least another five to six business days to even consider that sort of trust. At least on my end. For him, I would assume. Because that would be rude. And I'm not trying to do that. Because that would be awful of me. And- yeah, no. 

I can do this. My loins are girded and I am a-okay. Do I slightly regret doing this? No. I immensely regret it, but that's besides the current point. This is happening. I'm going to have to lock up shop and learn how to cope, because I put myself into this ripe bucket of moldy strawberries, and I am the only one who can get me out of it. I've got this. I have to try. I have to hype myself up. I should've brought a mirror so I could give myself a more efficient self pep-talk. The weird looks and social suicide would be outweighed by the effectiveness. I could use my phone camera, but is that the same effect?

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