Chapter 73

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I would like to apologize to literally everyone. I had been planning to have Eri come in for a while, but it didn't compute in my head that it counted as Manga spoilers for some reason???  I apologize for not putting a warning. Just to let you guys know, there are probably going to be some manga spoilers coming up! If that isn't your jam and jelly, I greatly apologize. 

Third person pov

A mere day after getting her packet of internship offers, Lillian bounced back into the classroom with her choice. She looked so happy he couldn't help but smile just a little at her as she handed him the paper. He hoped it wasn't too far off, but seeing her so overjoyed almost made it okay. He didn't exactly know why that made it okay, but it did. He seriously needed to adopt this kid. He had an entire week off coming up, so he could definitely do it then. 

Lillian was... well, odd. There was something about her he simply adored. He couldn't pinpoint what it was, so he had to assume it was just her in general. He had no idea. He'd never felt such warmth for someone before. I was just plain weird, but he didn't particularly dislike it. They way she'd smile lit up his entire world, and he felt nothing short of complete, utter relief when he knew she was okay and safe. It was like a weight was taken off his shoulders when she was happy and healthy.

He sighed quietly to himself when he saw she'd picked none other than Mic. Mic, who was in this building and prefecture. It was a relief and a terror. What if Mic adopted her first? He had to move fast if he wanted to get Lillian before he did. Still, he'd almost forgotten the blonde was Lillian's favorite hero. Hopefully the man wouldn't coerce her into agreeing to an adoption before Aizawa could swipe her up. 

He hadn't chosen to take interns this year, simply because he felt like he wouldn't have the time with everything with Lillian. He'd expected her to be farther out, and as a result had been making plans to maybe go check on her every day or so just to ensure she was fine. Maybe even take some patrols in whatever area she was in so long as his agency reached that far. Now he sort of regretted it. Would Lillian have picked him were he an option?

"Why don't you go give this to Mic?" He handed it back to her with a half smile, already prepared for the excited shrieks that would no doubt echo down the halls. Lillian lit up, looking at him like he'd just hung the moon and every star. He was glad nobody else was in the classroom yet. They'd have seen his expression soften, and that would cause them to ask questions. Questions he himself was still having trouble answering.

Todoroki came in just as Lillian sprinted out like hell was on her heels, turning to watch her go with raised eyebrows before shrugging and turning to Aizawa. Personally, the Underground Hero had been expecting Shoto to intern with is dad. Endeavor had insisted he do it and had even called a few times to ask why they hadn't contacted him about Shoto's internship yet. Funnily enough, he asked about Lillian a few times too. That made Aizawa snort. As if

"Here." Shoto handed him the paper, signed and ready to go. Aizawa blinked down at it. Now that's not what he'd been expecting. Shoto hadn't chosen the Number Two Hero, Endeavor. He'd chosen the Number Three Hero, Hawks. He was a new up and comer, young, handsome, and rich. Almost every woman and teenage girl in Japan knew who he was. He was impressive, and his quirk was even more so. "If my father asks, I haven't decided yet."

"Alright." Aizawa agreed easily, taking it. Shoto didn't seem to like his father much. Aizawa would have to look into that.

Lillian barreled into the teacher work room like she owned the place, almost taking herself and Vlad King out. The man stumbled back as she spun out of the way, darting for Mic. The man looked up just as she skidded to a stop by his desk, earning a few odd looks. After her little phone call stunt pertaining to the permission slip signing incident, nobody was sure what to think of her. 

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