Chapter 18

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Third person pov

"What's it like to work so closely with All Might?!"

Lilian let out a squeak as a microphone was shoved into her face, eyes widening as many cameras fell upon her. She's simply turned the corner, and there they were. A sea of merciless reporters who'd finally caught wind of All Might's teaching position here at UA high. Lillian felt her shoulders tense, and the overwhelming urge to freeze the group fell upon her shoulders. She gulped back the temptation, forcing an awkward smile. Still, she had no idea what to say.

"I-I'm sorry! Uh- I-I really have t-to-" Lillian felt distress settle within her when she realized the group of reporters was standing solely between her and the gate that would give her entrance into the high school. Her hand tightened around the ID card that would give her access, her eyes flitting back and forth as her panicked mind struggled to think of a plan.

God, crying on live television would surely give the prestigious UA High a bad name! She had to keep it together, at least until she could get out of shot of the many cameras pointed at her and some of her classmates, who were scattered around her. They seemed just as unsure as she was, though some did manage to fight their way through and slip in. She wanted to call out to them, but her mouth felt too dry to do so.

"Are you one of All Might's students? Tell us, what's the Symbol of Peace like in person?!" The woman was persistent. Lillian wasn't dumb enough to think answering a question or two would get her a free pass through the sea of camera men and eager interviewers.

"U-Uh, really n-nice?" Lillian squeaked. Vaguely, she could hear Uraraka answered the same question somewhere on the other side of the group. Lillian blanched. There was no way she'd be able to get to the brunette.

A shadow appeared behind Lillian, and she twisted around to see none other than Aizawa-sensei. The girl felt relief wash over her like a tidal wave. "Ah, excuse me, sir! Can you go get All Might for us?" The woman who'd been bombarding Lillian with questions asked. She, along with many others, had sheepish deadpan expressions plastered on their faces. "Also... you look like a mess. What's your deal?"

"All Might's not on campus today. Now get out of here. You've disturbed my students enough." Aizawa raised a hand, taking a step forward. That urged the panicked Lillian to head forward. The crowd parted for Aizawa, and Lillian rode the wave, stopping only to properly express her gratitude to her teacher. She gave a quick, jittery thanks to her sensei, who nodded lazily and sighed, before she ran off towards the classroom.

God, she couldn't keep doing this, could she? She was in the top class at the top hero school! Of course she'd have to face the press. She needed to get some sort of game face in order, or else she was doomed. She thought about how her classmates had dealt with the press. Well... most hadn't. They'd answered a question and then forced their way in. Lillian wasn't sure she had that kind of confidence just yet.

"Lillian!" A voice called. She turned to see none other than Asui and Ochaco. "We thought we heard you at the gate. Are you okay? There were a lot of reporters, ribbit."

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" She waved her hands in front of her, pushing some hair behind her ear. School hadn't even started yet, and her ponytail was already falling apart. How did Momo manage to keep hers in check all day? "A-Are you guys..." She trailed off.

"Oh, we're alright! A little spooked, but I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later." Ochaco laughed, pressing her fingertips together. Lillian felt a bit of her nerves fade, and she offered a smile back.

"Want to walk to class with us, ribbit?" Tsu asked. Lillian brightened and nodded.

They talked more about the press on their way there. Lillian expressed her relief that Aizawa-sensei had shown up, and Ochaco sheepishly admitted she'd slipped in after Iida had bored them with his ramblings about All Might's superb teaching abilities. Tsu seemed to have simply jumped over them. Lillian wished she could do something like that.

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