Chapter 60

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To be clear, Lillian's parents DID know she had a quirk of some kind, but not what exactly it did. They didn't know Aizawa was her parent until she entered UA. The had obviously assumed her quirk was erasing other people's when they saw the hair and the eyes thing in relation to Aizawa and his quirk, hence why they were still shocked when it was revealed to be freezing things. Some people are like "KDHLDS THEY ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS AIZAWA" and I can confirm that they didn't, though they did hide it for about a month or so give or take-

I also changed some of the team stuff up so if you're like "ThEy WeReN't On A tEaM" I already know don't worry-

Third person pov

Mayako paid well over three-hundred dollars for the best, fastest, and safest shipping. She made sure the box was packaged carefully, and got it its very own seat on a first class flight right to Japan. Not having Aizawa's address was an issue, but the post office said they could simply ship it to the school with his name on iy. That would have to do, even if it wasn't ideal. She wanted it to go straight into his hands. 

She hadn't known him well when she was in UA. She'd checked up on him some throughout the years, eyeing his hero career, and looking for signs that maybe, just maybe he'd found Aiyako somehow. He was an honorable man. He didn't care for cameras or the media, and didn't do interviews if he could help it. He often times worked closely with the police force, helping them to apprehend the villains that slipped under bigger heroes' radars. 

The post office had a small tv mounted to the wall above the counter. A few people were crowded under it, watching the festival. Aiyako's face, or Mayako supposed her name was Lillian now, shined back at her. She felt sick to her stomach. Not because of Lillian, but because of what she herself had done. She had been young and out of a job, with no high school education under her belt... but to abandon a child? How could she possibly call herself a mother?

So what she'd been having a hard time. That had been her baby. Her precious, lovely little girl who was the entire world. Panicking because she couldn't pay a bill didn't justify leaving her there. Lillian had been well fed, and they'd had a place to sleep at night. Not much, but it was something. They'd had something, and were making it. She could have taken... taken out a loan, or applied for a credit card. 

She tore her eyes away from the scene, smiling  weakly to the woman taping up her package. She'd make things as right as she could make them. She wasn't going to try and enter Lillian's life, or force her entire family over to Japan. She had lost her right as Lillian's mother the second she stepped foot out of that hospital without her, and she knew that well and good. That didn't mean she had to stand by, though. She'd do what was in her power... even if that wasn't much. 


Mic's mind was abuzz. Was there a book on how he could possibly do this? He desperately wanted to tell Aizawa what he knew. This was deeper than a contest to be Lillian's favorite, or to be the "better dad." This was his best friend's real, legitimate child. And Shota didn't know it. Mic felt like screaming. How did he tell Aizawa? Did he do it softly? Did he blurt it out? How did he make him believe it?

How would Aizawa react? He cared for Lillian, but the man was a wild card. His reactions to things varied depending on his mood. Mic could very easily tell that Shota cared more deeply for the girl than he'd ever had for any of his students, though that didn't mean they were necessarily less important to him. She and Aizawa just... had a connection that was plain to see. The girl was an adorable ball of sunshine, so how could he not adore her? But this was... this was big. Not only did Aizawa not know, but Lillian didn't either. This could make or break them.

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