Chapter 110

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Third person pov

Katsuki Bakugo has always been a violent individual. His anger often times controls him, rearing up and bucking like a horse gone wild. It spun and spun until it formed an explosive tornado full of curses and taunts he'd never make good on. It's how he'd always been. Maybe his quirk and its bombastic nature had something to do with it, or maybe he'd gotten his volatile attitude from his mother. Either way, Katsuki knows how to be a hellion. He's essentially been one his whole life. But this? He's never been this angry before. Not in his entire life.

Curses streamed from his mouth as he was carted away in a truck usually used to transport dangerous villains. He'd already blown up a police cruiser, sending himself and several others flying. He'd earned a dislocated shoulder for that one, but hadn't really cared as he hopped to his feet and tried to rush off despite everything. All Might was gone, and the Nomu were being successfully subdued one by one. It's not like they needed him here, so why wouldn't they let him go to wherever the hell they'd taken Lillian? She needed him more than anyone else right now, so why the fuck were they trying to stop him?!

His palms sparked as he let sweat pool against his skin. He didn't have his gauntlets to collect it, but keeping his hands in a cupped position allowed it to gather in his palms where the detonations occurred. They hadn't had quirk suppressing cuffs that would work on him. His quirk was a biological mutation. Unless they could stop him from sweating, there wasn't too much they could do unless they had gauntlets like the ones the villains had put on him. So, they were forced to simply throw him in this metal box and hope for the best. Bakugo was just short of pulling his hair out at this point. 

Bracing himself, he thrust his hands forward and let loose. He was blown against the opposite wall of the back of the truck, which shuddered and swerved from the impact. One of the back doors dented outwards, creating a small space. Nowhere near big enough for him to squeeze through, but it was something. Bakugo stalked forward, his foot lashing out and striking the door violently. It gave a shriek of protest, but didn't give. He did it again, and then once more, harder this time. It flew open. The truck once again swerved, tires squealing as it struggled to keep itself in its lane.

Katsuki saw Tsukauchi in the police cruiser riding behind the truck he was in, looking pale. The explosive blonde gave a snarl, backing up slightly before taking a running start. The detective and his cat-headed partner could only watch him fly overhead, bouncing off the top of their cruiser as they skidded to a stop. The car behind that one wasn't law enforcement, but instead an ambulance. He hopped on the hood and scrambled up over, running across the top and letting his explosions propel him back the way they'd came. These extras weren't going to stop him. Not when someone he cared about needed him.


"It took you long enough to find us. It's only five kilometers from the bar to here, and yet it was at least thirty seconds after I sent the nomus that you arrived." All For One spoke casually, shaking out his hand. Lillian couldn't stop herself from coughing as a heavy smog was kicked up from their blow, her hair and skin ashy. Awase shakily brought the collar of his shirt up to cover his nose, attempting to get a better hold on his breathing as he and Lillian stumbled back to their feet. "You've gotten weaker, All Might."

This drama wasn't what Lillian was here for. Really, she wasn't here for anything. Being a hostage really sucked. TV made it seem so much nicer. Was she even a hostage anymore? Attention was falling off of her, and now she and Awase were stuck here somewhat. They were by no means in the clear. In fact, Lillian was pretty convinced she'd be dying at some point. Not in a good way, either. She wanted to get Awase out of here, but she wasn't sure. The chances of them surviving kept thinning and thinning with each moment that passed by.

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