Chapter 108

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Third person pov

So Neito was here on a train with a squad he really hadn't expected. Kirishima had apparently been more injured than the blonde had first assumed, which left his options even more limited. Shoto had still been raring to go, but with Kirishima out of the game, they were down on their manpower and hurting for someone else to join them. The redhead had seen their overall distress and called someone in, who'd reluctantly agreed almost immediately with a nervous fidget and the aversion of his eyes.

"S-So, you're Lillian's friends, then." Kaminari twitched, staring at them like they were lions and he was a lone rabbit they were hunting as their prey. Neito and Shoto stared back tiredly, not really knowing what to do or how to react. Of all the people the pair thought they'd be doing this with, Kaminari was nowhere near the top of the list. Scratch that, he wasn't even on the list! They'd traumatized the guy far enough that he now had a slight nervous breakdown in the presence of anyone he thought may be a part of the meme squad. With Shoto it was a little better, but Neito was flamboyant and brash with his meme use, as were Hitoshi and Lillian. It's why they were the meme three to begin with.

Kaminari himself wasn't sure why he was here. Kirishima was one of his best friends, and so was Bakugo, even if the champagne blonde denied it. So when his redheaded companion called him into his hospital room with pleading, tired eyes and clasped hands, how could he say no? Lillian terrified him to no end. She was a terrifying person! But she was his classmate, and he did care. Bakugo and that other student-- Awase or something-- were also stuck in the League's hands. It wasn't a fate he'd wish upon anyone, even if they'd terrorized him with... with The Chungus.

"Yes, dear. We've established that." Neito said in a reassuring tone. Kaminari twitched, eyeing him like he was ready to strike. Neito wasn't sure if he should feel flattered or not. At least someone on this godforsaken Earth found him intimidating. "Look, when we get off in Kamino Ward, we're going to be recognizable. Shoto especially, with your flaming asshole father and total badassery and the Sports Festival. Me too, seeing as my shining ass won third place like a total G. I think it's been our best interest to find some disguises."

Shoto suddenly looked excited, his eyes sparking alight with anticipation. He leaned forward, looking around as though someone on the rather empty train car might be listening in. Neito raised an eyebrow as the half-and-half boy whispered in an awed tone, "Espionage."

Kaminari and Neito stared for a moment before sharing a glance.

"...Sure. But freelance. The government isn't reining us in today, boys." Neito's hand clapped down on one of Shoto's shoulders, his other falling on one of Kaminari's. Neito wondered if the jumpy teen would get spooked enough to electrocute him. Maybe it would start his heart that wasn't actually his heart. "Now, for alias purposes, Shoto is Eliza, Kaminari is Peggy, and I'm Angelia. If anyone asks what we're doing, we're looking for a mind at work."

Shoto nodded in all seriousness. Kaminari broke out into a cold sweat. 


Chad and the other heroes stood outside the bar. Everyone but the armed man looked immensely confused by the singing coming from inside. Or maybe it was more like screaming, but the point was, it was penetrating the walls and leaking out for all of them to hear. Several confused looks were exchanged, and questioning whispers swirled about. Were they okay? Why were they singing? Was this some sort of ritual to sacrifice the kids?

"Bakugo, you mad lad partner." Chad thumped his fist on his chest twice as he muttered the words, out of respect. He got a few odd looks for it, put just offered his middle finger in response to sade any questions. They didn't have time for any dilly-dally-billy-ballying. "Let's get this ball rolling. Vlad, move in. It's your time to shine." 

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