Chapter 126

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Third person pov

Chad had easily taken out the man on the passenger's side of the truck and tossed them out the door and onto the open road with very little care. Toshinori cringed as the criminal cracked hard against the asphalt, their body rolling harshly as the truck continued to speed along and leave them in the dust. It was a gory sight, but Toshinori couldn't find it in himself to object at the moment. They were sort of out of options. It was entirely impressive that Chad could still fight with how messed up his ankle was. It was like the pain simply exist to him. Toshinori wondered if this young man let anything stop him. So far, it didn't seem that way. 

Chad was clearly doing his best to work fast. Toshinori felt a sense of urgency to get off the back of truck. This wasn't helped by the fact that they were most definitely still being followed. Gazing off into the traffic, he could pick out a couple of black SUVs trying, and luckily enough failing, to overcome traffic and catch up to them. Their presence still made him incredibly nervous. He felt stuck out in the open and powerless standing here, injured, ill, and without any sort of quirk to help him. He supposed that was all he was anymore. All he would be. He'd been All Might for so long that he wasn't sure Toshinori Yagi had anything left to him anymore. 

One for all was still in the air, he knew. He could feel it even now was Chad wrestled for the wheel, shouting something that was muffled by the wind rushing past Toshinori's ears. It felt so odd to feel the power exist outside of his own being, so potent and present. It hadn't been like this with Young Midoriya, he knew. Though he'd felt it and it had been strong within the freckled boy, it hadn't been nearly this thick. This electric and excited! The quirk quite clearly felt at home with Chad. Toshinori was glad it had found a place to rest in him.

The situation, despite its absurdity, was somehow relaxing at the same time. They were driving over a massive body of water, a few small ships passing under the long bridge they were stuck on. It stretched high over the waves, the crash of the water blending in with the sound of tires on the road. The air smelt like salt and exhaust, but the temperature outside was perfect. He couldn't help but close his eyes and soak it in for a moment. It was one of those times that wasn't necessarily good, but that he also knew he'd never forget it. A few people in other cars had noticed him standing there and starting to recognize him, but he didn't quite care. He was far too captured in this moment to even think about anything else.

Chad finally managed to drive his elbow into the face of the man he was wrangling, using his good foot to pull at the driver's door handle and kick it open when it popped open. He unbuckled the Yakuza member and painstakingly shoved them out, his jacked up foot flopping a bit. Fuck, that was ass. It was definitely going to take a hot minute to fix that little mess. Ramen and super glue wasn't going to do the trick either, Chad feared. Maybe that midget lady with the cane could smooch his leg or something. Did that make her a cougar? Because the whole kissing thing was low-key kinda fucked. Like, was that not illegal? The school was literally full of minors.

Besides the point right now, he guessed. He'd worry about what there was to worry about at a later date. He had the depressed shell of the number one hero about to fly away on the back of this truck. Seriously, the guy kinda looked like he could be blown over by a small gust of wind. It was a miracle he hadn't like, flown off yet. Guess that just proved how badass All Might was, even in retirement. Still really fucking sad though. Chad got that for sure though. What kind of homebody would he be if he didn't? Exactly. He'd make sure to cheer that blonde stick back there right the fuck up though. He just needed a little protein was all! Maybe some iron or some shit. They'd fix him right up. 

"Ay, my crippled amigo!" Chad called back at Toshinori, poking his head out the open door and looking back. The man was still standing precisely where he'd been left. At least he was good at following instructions. It was honestly a miracle he hadn't been shot or some shit yet. They needed to get off this bridge and lose these guys. Switch over to a different vehicle, hopefully. This one definitely had to have a tracker in it. Not ideal, but at least they weren't trapped in a metal box anymore. That was some real shit right there. He was quite lucky his eyes did the glowy thing when they were supposed to. Truly, props to him and this quirk thing. Kinda baller. Definitely groovy. Thanks, Izuku, you traitorous piece of literal shit that deserved to be chewed up by a rabid dog with a horrible disease that would transfer to Izuku, but then the dog would be cured because does were the absolute fucking shit, and then Izuku would slowly die a horrible death in a pit full of like, rats or something gross. 

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