Chapter 112

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Third person pov

The look on Lillian's face when she saw Hitoshi lying in that hospital bed was Earth-shattering. Bakugo, who'd already brushed his mother and father off with a defiant snarl, had to look away from her pained expression to keep from showing anything on his own face. Aizawa was with her, a nurse fluttering anxiously around him and inspecting his bloodshot eyes. He insisted he was fine and that it was just dry eye, but the woman refused to give up. Probably due to the fact that he'd just saved Japan on national television with a single glance. That would the world out of anyone.

Aizawa did not know what to do or what to think. He wanted nothing more than to take his daughter home and pretend this hadn't happened. That he hadn't found her kneeling on the disjointed ground with the corpse of her classmate. He'd been struck right through the heart with a bullet, and he'd died almost instantly from the blow. It wasn't something he could've survived. Though, Neito begged to differ. He'd been right there. It was obvious the undead blonde was partially blaming himself for the death of Awase. He'd been right there, and he could've bent down and touched him. Brought him back long enough for someone to do something. 

Only that wasn't his job. They were all just kids. Children. They deserved far more than they were getting. Aizawa wanted them all to live normal, happy lives. One's where they could go to the mall with friends, and meet up for lunch out in the town. Walk to and from school alone without fear of something happening, because maybe, maybe the League of Villains would suddenly decide to make a move. They deserved to be normal teenagers-- ones who weren't thrown into life-and-death situations left and right. Ones who didn't have to lost their friends to betrayal. It hurt Shota more than he could express.

"H-Hitoshi?" Lillian hiccuped, her voice cracking in a rather pained manner. The boy had pushed himself defiantly into a sitting position and seemed to have regained some color in his cheeks. He gave Lillian a sad smile, his eyes watering as he drunk the sight of her and Neito in. The blonde boy was being fussed over by a shaky Mihoko, who Lillian had leaned away from to continue gazing at her hospitalized friend. Bakugo's shoulders hunched uncomfortably as her hand slipped from his, and Aizawa held his breath, watching his daughter rush over to where her friend lay. "H-Hitoshi?!"

"Hey, I'm okay. I'm okay." The boy breathed, wrapping his good arm around her and pulling her in with earnest as she panicked at the clear lack of one of his appendages. He took a deep, shuddering breath. Over Lillian's shoulder, he met Aizawa's gaze. The man looked immensely aggrieved, and there was a pleading in his gaze that begged him to help. Somehow. Hitoshi closed his eyes briefly and steadied himself. He could do this. He could be okay for Lillian, and for Neito. They didn't need anymore crying or guilt today. Just... just their friend. "Though it sounds like you've had a pretty shit day."

"I-Izuku, and A-A-Awase-" Lillian was sobbing again before she could stop herself. Everything was a mess. It was all happening so fast, and she was having trouble keeping track of it all. One moment she's being kidnapped with Bakugo, and then being saved. And then she's on a battle field with Awase, and then Izuku is there, and then she feels like she's alone. She can still feel the warmth of Awase's blood seeping from his body and through her clothing, covering her lap and lower stomach. The way his body slowly got colder and colder, and the look in Izuku's eyes. The deafening sounds of buildings crumbling, and-

Hitoshi pulled away from her, eyes steely and warm. The girl locked eyes with him, her breath hitching before it began to decline in its pace. Hitoshi held one of her hands firmly, wishing with all his being his could take the other. Stupid fucking cannibal. At least this proved Hitoshi was a snack. Neito was out of commission, so as depressed and tired as Hitoshi was, he had to take the role of cheering up. Someone had to do it. He'd take one for the team. They'd recover from this. Lillian would bounce back, and so would Neito, and so would Shoto. Things would be alright. Hitoshi was sure they would.

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