Valentine's Day Special 2

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Y'all I'm about to fuck us all over by making us ship it and like why am I doing this what's wrong with me

This does NOT effect the story folks

Third person pov

Katsuki Bakugo is shit with emotions. Not only does he struggle to understand how other people are feeling, he also wrestles with his own inner most thoughts and sentiments. He's even worse at expressing them outwardly. He often times opts to keep inside to stew. It's what he's best at. They just simmer away until, eventually, he begins to show them in the form of anger. 

When he first saw Lillian Faust walking home with that idiotic, sleep-deprived purple turnip, he was mildly annoyed. He hadn't been sure why at the time. All he knew was that it had interrupted the routine he'd started with the girl, and he didn't like that. He also didn't like that he didn't liked that, which led to him shoving the problem off to the side so it could sit and gather dust. That was another thing he was good at. Not dealing with anything that was potentially a problem.

So he turned a blind eye to the only person in class 1-A he found vaguely interesting and got on with his life. Why should he bothered that Lillian was giving her attention to someone else? It was none of his damn business. It's not like he actually knew her or anything. They weren't friends, and were pretty much opposites anyway. He was loud and brash, while she was quiet and meek. Sure, her quirk was impressive, but that could be said for half the people in the entirety of UA high.

Then came the attack on the USJ, and his view of her changed. Just a little.

He'd approached to see her being held up by Round Face and Frog Girl. She was shaking like a damn leaf in the wind, pale as a sheet of paper, and painted red with blood that wasn't her own. She looked entirely broken. Distraught and in pain, yet somehow... She was also one of the strongest people he'd ever seen in that moment.

Despite it all, she did not pass out. It was clear as day that she wanted to. He knew her quirk made her drowsy. With Deku's constant muttering from the seat behind him, how could he not? Yet the girl kept her eyes trained on their dying teacher. She kept him suspended in time to prevent him from succumbing from his wounds. She stayed awake and kept her steely gaze on him so he wouldn't die. Against the side effects of her quirk.

He watched with burning palms as she coughed up blood, gazing at her hand for a moment before wiping her mouth on her sleeve and going back to staring. He couldn't even imagined it probably felt worse than he felt when he overused his quirk. Worse than his stinging, burned skin and aching bones. You could tell. Lillian's power was killing her.

 He'd watched her and his teacher get loaded into an ambulance, and he felt useless. Like he hadn't done anything to help. All he could do was wait for his parents to pick him up and irritably answer their questions and assure them that he wasn't dying. That he was perfectly fine. When they asked about his classmates, he told them the same thing. He was fine. They were fine. It was no big deal.

Only it was, wasn't it?

He wanted to talk to Lillian. Interact with her somehow, though he wasn't too sure how yet. He thought up a thousand ways he could approach her, and he scrapped them all. Nothing seemed right. He knew she wouldn't come to him naturally. She was too nervous for that, and he was too... angry. Him. He was him, and that was an issue. 

It dawned on Bakugo that he wanted to be friends with her. Him, friends? He didn't need or have them. Some of his idiotic classmates, Spiky Hair, and Pikachu, had no fear. Spiky Hair was pretty much immune to his explosive quirk, and Pikachu was too much of an idiot to sense the danger he was putting himself in every time he went within a ten foot radius of the explosive blond.

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