Chapter 118

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Third person pov

They'd all sort of-- and by sort of, she meant not at all-- adjusted to her father being the new Number One hero. It felt awkward to bring it up. It just wasn't... Shota Aizawa did not like the spotlight. He was tired, lazy, and drank too much coffee. It was hard to view him as being on top, even if they all knew just how strong he was. It was clear to Lillian that her dad wasn't exactly loving all the attention either. He was avoiding watching the news like the plague, and he'd already changed his phone number to avoid the many calls that were pouring in, all reporters egging to get interviews. 

Hitoshi's room had been right next to Shoto's. Lillian said 'had' because they'd knocked the wall out to make it one giant room. It had been Aizawa's mistake telling them they could renovate as they pleased and make the rooms their own. They put in a bunk bed, built a third dresser from the wall they'd knocked out. They also tore out one of the doors, since the giant room at that point had two. They patched the wall with god knows what, and then constructed a closet and used the salvaged door for that. After that, they went outside and made a giant mud pit that they mixed sand and dead grass into, and that's where Lillian and Neito started to make mud bricks, with Katsuki taking them and straightening them out and handing them off to Shoto. 

They would form the bricks out of the mud, and then Shoto would superheat them until they hardened into useable bricks. Kaminari saw what they were doing and somehow managed to get a wheelbarrow, so the electric-quirk user would pile them up and then wheel them into the elevator and then to the room once it was full. Hitoshi was already mixing cement, having used an electric saw to cut out part of the wall. The bricks behind the wall would serve as the back of their new fireplace.

They were quick and efficient enough that by the time Aizawa realized what had happened, they were already upstairs covered in dried mud and halfway done with their small fireplace. He had only stared as they all froze, turning to look at him. Lillian was on Katsuki's shoulders, Kaminari halfway through passing her another brick while Neito hammered together a wood mantle out of the portion of the wall they'd taken out for the fireplace itself. Hitoshi and Shoto were the ones slathering cement on the bricks. Hitoshi was somehow better at it than Shoto despite being one-handed. He was a teen of many talents. 

After about thirty seconds of staring, Vlad crashed through the window with four giant boxes of pizza in tow, sending glass flying. Aizawa just turned around and walked out. Lillian quietly placed down another brick as he left, the door slamming behind him. Shoto pursed his lips, awkwardly reaching out and tapping the play button on his phone, which was sitting on the dresser next to the fireplace. Waka Waka by Shakira continued playing. The world went round.

So overall, everything was going great! They'd adjusted to the dorms. Lillian and her dad were in the process of redoing their apartment. Mihoko had come to visit and had gasped in horror when she saw it, and Hitoshi had just nodded in agreement. Thus, the entire place was in disarray. They were living with it, even if Lillian's bedroom was... well, gone. It had become the kitchen, and her room was being moved so it was next to her father's. Only her fathers had also been moved so-- everything was just everywhere. That, and Katsuki had been sleeping on her floor since they moved in, so she guessed maybe 'adjusted' wasn't the best word to use.

Now, they were back to training. Her dad had been hesitant to start again, but knew he couldn't stall forever. Lillian was sort of glad to get back into the swing of things! It felt good. She wanted to get stronger. She was still having trouble sleeping, but being productive helped get her mind off of that. Things would be okay. She had to believe that. Hitoshi believed it! He was already talking to the support department about some sort of prosthetic. They had a student-- Hatsume Mei-- who was batshit crazy and exactly what they needed. 

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