Valentines Day Special

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This does NOT effect the story in any way, shape, or form. In celebration of this hell-holiday, I have written a juicy one-shot that will make you want to vomit in your own mouth. To add to the cringe, drop a comment detailing an embarrassing or horrifying moment you had with your crush or significant other, or maybe someone who had feelings for you.

By the way, WARNING




Also if your shipping senses go haywire, I'm sorry

Third person pov

Lillian was usually pretty good at watching where she was going, and this time was absolutely no different. Well, save for the fact that some kid came running into the cafeteria like a hamster on speed and took her out like she was a bowling pin, and he was the ball. She was lucky Hitoshi was the one carrying her tray, or she would have gotten a face full of chicken salad with a side of corn. That still didn't make the experience any more pleasant.

"Lillian!" Both Neito and Hitoshi sputtered out as she went down like a sinking ship, the boy who'd run in here like hell was on his heels rolling off of her in a rush. He was a short dude, with hot pink hair and eyes to match. His pupils were an odd shape. The shape of hearts, which wasn't a good sign in Neito and Hitoshi's opinion. They watched his pupil constrict back into a circle, and he hopped to his feet in horror.

"O-Oh no!" The boy all but screamed, looking down at Lillian. "I think I used my quirk on her?"

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that please?" Neito raised an eyebrow. What did that mean?! Was Lillian going to die? Was she already dead? She was lying there. Albeit, she did seem relatively dizzy as she stared at the floor. Maybe she'd turn into a frog or something? That wouldn't be so bad. Most quirks didn't have permanent effects. And if they did... ah, well, fuck.

"Is she going to be okay?" Hitoshi looked like he was debating dropping their trays of food so he could help her up. Neito was in a state of shock and therefore couldn't bring himself to bend down and hoist her up by her waist. Really, she didn't weight much more than a sack of potatoes. But his mind was having trouble processing all that was going down.

"It lasts twenty-four hours." He said. Based on the cuffs of his uniform, he was a business course student. "She'll just fall madly in love with the first person she sees. If she hasn't looked at anyone already, that is. God, I'm really, really sorry. I have to go. I really have to go."

"Wait, wait, repeat that too." Neito insisted. The boy with the hot-pink hair was already speed walking away. "Repeat that too, dammit!"

"Let me get this straight. Some asshole from the business course just took her out, accidentally used his quirk on her, and ran away? And she's going to be madly in love with the first person she sees? Are you sure?" Hitoshi was checking his facts. None of that sounded right. This had all happened in, what, less than a minute? There's no way this was real. That would be way too convenient for the plot!

"Yes, I think that's what happened." Neito said. Hitoshi's brow furrowed as Lillian began to push herself up, clenching her eyes shut and groaning as she held her head. He immediately bent down and set their trays down, moving to see if she was alright. Neito scrambled for his phone. If Lillian and Hitoshi were about the make out in the middle of the cafeteria, he was going to catch it all on camera.

"Lillian, are you okay?" He crouched down in front of her as she scrubbed at her eyes with her hands. She grumbled something, giving a small nod. He waited anxiously to see what would happen when she opened her eyes. He didn't particularly want her to look at him, but it was better him than anyone else, right? Besides, they were... well, he liked to think they were close. And it would only be for twenty-four hours.

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