Chapter 119

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I don't know what happened to the first part of this chapter but it got deleted and had to be rewritten, so I apologize if it's janky. I'm not great at re-writing things I already wrong. Leggo. 

Third person pov

"He asked you to eat his hair and you just DID it?!" Tsukauchi all but shrieked. The detective and former number one pro had dragged Chad outside and were now screaming at him in the car. Chad didn't look amused, resigned to sitting in the backseat while they lectured him. "Why would you do that?!"

"I don't fucking know! Why would he ask me to eat his hair?" Chad asked as though that mattered. Who cares why he did it?! The point was you didn't eat someone's hair. If you were visiting a literal criminal in jail and they asked you ingest any portion of their outer extremities, the answer should always be no! No matter the circumstance! Toshinori was having a mental breakdown in the passenger's seat, unable to do anything but rest his head on the dashboard and take deep breaths. 

Tsukauchi felt pretty speechless as well. How was he supposed to respond to this? If All Might himself couldn't even come up with something to say, Tsukuachi didn't see how he was supposed to either. Just-- god, this man was infuriating! Nothing about Chad made sense. He did things without thinking. Things that, oddly enough, seemed to work out half the time! He at least wasn't dead yet. That was something. 

"You can't just-- Chad, what the hell?" Tsukauchi groaned as he dragged his hands down his face, pulling at his skin in the process. He sounded like he was in literal pain. Chad raised an eyebrow. He felt severely out of the loop right now. What weren't they telling him? Chad was a man with a lot of knowledge. He had connections and he knew a lot of shit he probably shouldn't have known. It's how his world went round. Totally chill, totally sort of not at all legal. Hella rad! So just what did they know that he had no inkling about? It was rare that he didn't have a clue, but he was as lost as a needle in a haystack at the moment. 

"Did he say anything else?" Toshinori managed to croak out. Chad pushed his sunglasses up onto his forehead, pursing his lips as All Might turned his head painstakingly slow to look back at the blonde young man sitting in the back seat. "He didn't mention me, did he?"

"Uhhhhh." Chad thought about it, squinting. Tsukauchi groaned again. It wasn't Chad's fault he forgot shit five minutes after it was told to him. It would come back 'round memory central eventually. He just had no damn idea when 'eventually' was. Let's see. Izuku hadn't said much, but Chad was pretty sure All Might hadn't been brought up. Probably. He'd take a shot in the dark and go with no. "Nah. Just apologized, said he didn't change shit. I don't know." 

Chad shrugged helplessly as though to say 'what can you do?'. Toshinori looked like he may actually cry.

In truth, Toshinori had no idea what to do in this situation. He'd, of course, thought about One For All and what was going to become of it. Izuku couldn't use it where he was, but he hadn't thought the freckled teen would be willing to pass it on to anyone. Yet he'd willingly chosen Chad and handed it off. What sort of judgment was that? Had it been a good one? Was it bad? Either way, Izuku's word wasn't exactly being taken very seriously right now. Not with all he'd done and had tried to do.

All Might didn't know Chad well. He knew he had a lot of guns, Aizawa didn't like him because of property damage and something to do with fast food, and he was resourceful. All Might had seen him at work some in Kamino, and he'd been fairly impressive despite being quirkless. But was he worthy of a quirk like One For All? Toshinori had no idea what morals he held, if he was strong enough, if he'd be willing to continue the fight ahead-- he just didn't know. And that made him beyond stressed. 

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