Chapter 10

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Lillian's pov

Ochaco left to help Kaminari haul in some text books. Another girl, Ashido, had joined us in the back of the room along with a very laid back girl named Jirou. Ashido is interesting, with pink skin and horns. Her quirk is called Acid. It's the reason her skin is the shade it is! On the other hand, Jirou's earlobes extend into headphone jacks. I've never seen anything like it. It's amazing compared to my quirk. 

"Wow, so you live really close to the school. That must be nice." Tsuyu said thoughtfully. 

"I'd think it would be more dangerous, wouldn't it?" Jirou asked calmly. "I mean, I know this is a hero school, but that doesn't do much for the villain activity in the area. This area may be even more active than most. Some villains just want attention." 

"Y-Yeah, we got our house really cheap. The uh... the garage had been crushed by a-a gator man." I said quietly. 

"It's him." A boy named Iida suddenly said, and all our gazes snapped to the door. A boy I didn't recognize stood there, and he went stiff upon us seeing him. His shoulders went rigid, and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I winced a little, knowing that had been me not that long ago. He seems just as nervous as I was walking in. 

"Uh, hi!" The boy seemed to panic, averting his eyes nervously. 

"I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei private academy!" Iida approached confidently, which seemed to panic the new boy. I, along with the rest of the class, watched curiously as he panicked. I'm willing to bet he's the one Ochaco was talking about. The one that saved her. He's small, just like she described, with messy hair and freckles. 

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." The boy said. "It's super nice to meet you."

They began talking, and my attention was turned back to the other girls as they began to chatter. "So, what do you guys think of the boys?" Ashido grinned. "Anyone stick out to you? Anyone you've got you eye on?"

"I don't really know anyone." Tsuyu shrugged.

"You have to at least find someone hot." Hagakure gigged a little. I felt my cheeks redden. I've never really participated in any sort of boy-talk such as this. It's new. A lot of this is. The other girls seem to be contemplating it. I glanced around as well, my eyes scanning the many faces in the classroom. 

"What about him?" Jirou nodded to a boy sitting alone in the back. He was tall, half his hair red and half of it white. His eyes were two different colors as well, and a burn that covered part of his face told me he'd been through something rough. All the girls turned to shamelessly stare at him. I ducked my head slightly, praying he wouldn't look over.

"Ah, that's Todoroki-kun." Momo said. "He's the son of the #2 hero, Endeavor." 

"Whoa, really?" Hagakure asked.

"That's so cool." Ashido squealed. "I bet he got his father's quirk. He's so cute. I wonder if he's single."

"Girls are probably the last thing he's thinking of, ribbit." Tsuyu shook her head. I tucked some hair behind my ear, glancing over at him again. I froze when my eyes met his mismatched ones. He had been looking right over at us, and he'd just caught me. I froze completely, my eyes going wide. He stared at me. I stared back.

"She got caught." Hagakure whispered lowly, and the rest of the girls giggled. I felt my cheeks flame with embarrassment, and I lowered my head, forcing myself to look away. I want to die. That's it. I regret getting up in the morning. What kind of idiot am I? Who does something like that? Oh my god, I'm going to die-

"If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now." A voice said. It was cold and cool, and it made everyone freeze. We all slowly turned to the door. From where I say, I could barely see the man on the floor outside the classroom. He was in some sort of yellow sleeping bag, and he looked dead tired. "Welcome to UA's hero course."

The man's sleeping bag unzipped enough for him to bring a squeeze pouch of some sort up to his mouth. We all stared in shocked silence as he sucked it down, his expression never changing. He stood up. "It took eight seconds before you all shut up." He upzipped his sleeping bag and stepped out. "That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that." 

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." He sighed heavily. 

The class seemed to freeze completely.

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