Chapter 102

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Third person pov

Kosei groggily raised his head as the man in the straight jacket halted in his pursuit towards them, one foot still in the air. It didn't look as though he should've been able to balance in the position he was in. Bakugo released a shuddering breath of air, slightly hunched over now that his extra passenger wasn't so weightless anymore. One of his hands was still gripping Lillian's tightly, the other hooked under Concussion Boy's leg. The freckled girl looked pale with fear, her free hand coming up to clutch her stomach as her gut twisted painfully. She was right in assuming he was strong. Not as strong as Endeavor was, but enough that she'd start coughing up blood soon.

This whole thing was so surreal; though, it shouldn't have been. She should've seen this shit coming from a mile away. The fact that she was surprised made her want to curse herself. It was better to always assume the worse. Then, when shit wasn't nearly as bad as you expected, you'd be pleasantly surprised. But no. Lillian had managed to lull herself into a false sense of security without even realizing it. It was completely idiotic of her. She felt like a total cabbage for her naivety. 

"Restrain him." Lillian choked out, her throat beginning to burn threateningly. Bakugo immediately let Kosei slip off his back. The freckled girl did her best to catch him and bring him down slower as her explosive companion rushed forward. It was pretty clear this guy's quirk had something to do with his mouth. Not only was it the only thing exposed, but the cannibalistic speech implied it had something to do with eating. Perhaps his quirk was related to his teeth, or something that was expelled from his stomach and through his throat, eventually exiting via his mouth. Lillian really didn't want to find out.

Katsuki tried to keep his nerves at bay. He knew Lillian would keep him frozen, but there was still something about the guy that made him terrifying, even when he was immobile. His heart was thudding hard in his chest. He and Lillian were in danger here, only it was different than it had been at the USJ. Their teacher wasn't here. They were miles out, in the middle of nowhere, and there was no telling where their classmates had landed. They had to operate under the horrifying supposition that it was just the two of them out here, along with the Concussed Fuck over here. Counting on help coming would only serve to get them killed, whether it was true or not.

Bakugo pulled out the things keeping the man's mouth open, as disgusting as that felt, and forced his jaw shut as carefully as he could. He didn't want to risk breaking Lillian's control. Just glancing back at her, he could already see red seeping past her lips as she kept her eyes trained on the petrified enemy. The whole thing made his damn blood boil! Who did these villains think they were? They were having a good ass time at this summer camp. They were getting stronger, so of course the League would have to show up like a bunch of dumbasses and ruin that shit. And before Bakugo could devour that tasty-ass curry he and Lillian had made with minimal help from all the extras, too.

There wasn't much to work with restraints wise. They really didn't need the guy opening his mouth, because that was pretty clearly where his quirk was centered. Bakugo cursed as he pulled vines from nearby trees. This place was well cultivated by the Wild, Wild Pussycats, meaning there was a vast variety of different flora to choose from. For once, he was glad their hero teachers were over the top. The vines were thick enough to hold the weight of a person, meaning they were probably strong enough to hold him. Bakugo gathered as many as he could. Trying to tie his jaw shut would be awkward, but he was sure as shit going to give it his all. He didn't want this cannibalistic fuck trying to take a bite out of either of them. What if they got rabies?

The pair tried not to look at the severed hand a ways away. Lillian sometimes would let her eyes drift over to it, wondering who it belonged to. It made her want to vomit when she realized it looked familiar. She had to force herself away from thinking about it to avoid losing her mind completely. Her brain cells were slowly dying off. Bon-voyage, you sad fucks! Hey guys, welcome to her YouTube channel. Catch her sister snatching Harambe when they stormed Area 51, if she lived long enough to make it to America. She needed a bag of Doritos and a blanket to hide under. 

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