Chapter 100

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Apparently it isn't a filler if it progresses the story so ig the last chapter was real story content

Contest results at the bottoM AY CHAD BOOK HERE WE COME

Happy 100th chapter this book has gone on too long let's all be real (':


Third person pov

When the Wild, Wild Pussycats awoke them the next morning, most of the class had the enthusiasm of a dead armadillo. They dragged themselves out of their futons like they were the human embodiment of potato sacks, eyelids drooping tiredly and hair in disarray. Even Bakugo was a bit disgruntled, though more used to the lack of sleep than most of his classmates. He stayed up all night talking to Lillian, after all. It had made his sleep schedule entirely insane and unmanageable; though, he wouldn't have it any other way given the choice. Aside from him, there were a few more individuals peppier than the rest.

"Awwww yeah." Lillian clapped her hands together as 1-A slunk out to where they were meant to meet Aizawa, dressed in their gym uniforms and ready for a workout akin to purgatory. As in it would never end, and they'd all be in a constant state of suffering. Hitoshi was beat boxing horribly next to her as they walked, clearly having no experience in said field but not really giving a shit either. Lillian continued. "Yo my mom, she gave me a dollar, she told me to buy a collar, but I ain't buyin' no collar. Instead I bought some-"

"Bubblegum." Todoroki and Izuku chimed in, the former more blandly than the latter. Izuku was bouncing excitedly in contrast.

"Bazooka-zooka," Lillian continued.

"Bubblegum." The two boys said again. Hitoshi was still beat boxing.

It was amusing and perplexing at the same time. People wondered how they could act as though they had literally any energy, especially with those bags under their eyes. Bakugo really wasn't surprised. Lillian had come to school on no sleep whatsoever in the past. Though the her at the beginning of the year would have been brain dead right now and most likely incapable of more than minimal movement, this version of Lillian was painfully used to sleepless nights. Whether it be because she stayed up late with her friends, or because she had nightmares that kept her from closing her eyes again once they startled her awake. 

It turns out, half their class ran on pure coffee alone in the mornings. Nothing else but caffeine. But you know what they didn't have here? Coffee. At least, they didn't have any students were allowed to access. It left those who relied on it moving like slugs and more irritable than not. They grumbled to themselves like drunks with a hangover and glared harshly at anyone who made a sound above a whisper.

"Good morning, class. Today, we begin the training camp that will increase your strength." Aizawa announced as the students gathered. Lillian stayed near the back with her friends, sniffing slightly. Her muscles really didn't ache at all due to the fact that Hitoshi had carried her, but her head was still pounding from the overuse of her quirk the day before. Her eyes stung despite the sheer amount of eyedrops she'd doused them in, and her throat felt sore and raw from all the blood that had hacked its way up prior. Hitoshi was the opposite, constantly rolling his shoulders to try and soothe to pains that had taken root there, and bending his legs uncomfortably in hopes that would help somehow. 

"Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially, so that each of your earns a provisional license. This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Proceed carefully." Aizawa sounded about as tired as his students looked, but that really wasn't new. The man scanned his daughter. Though she usually hated getting out of bed in the morning, it always astonished her how she could go from looking like, well, him, to looking like a functioning member of society who'd gotten a full night's rest and then some. "Look alive, Bakugo."

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