Chapter 40

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Yo, Italics is English

Third person pov

Lillian shuffled uncomfortably in front of Present Mic, who'd had this odd air around him ever since finding out she could speak English. It wasn't a necessarily bad air or anything of that sort, just vastly different. He seemed almost smug in a way. Lillian really tried not to think too much about it. She was sure he'd known about her being bilingual. 

"So you speak English, kiddo?" Mic asked, using the language in question.

"Ah, yes." Lillian felt her cheeks redden. "M-My mom is from A-America."

"That makes sense!" Mic chirped, marking a few things down on a piece of paper. Lillian averted her gaze awkwardly. Was she in trouble? Oh my god, she was, wasn't she? What if he didn't want her in his class anymore? That would make sense. I mean, not that she'd meant to lie. Not that she had been lying at all; though, it could have easily come across as such. What if he told Mr. Aizawa, and he got mad at her too? She was going to die! This was it! Wow, she never thought she'd end like this. What if-

"There we go!" Mic chirped, hopping up. "I'm going to go give this to the Principal, Kiddo."

"Wh-What is it?" Lillian squeaked out, her face pale. Sweat dripped down her brow in anticipation of his answer. Mic grinned widely, glasses glinting under the fluorescent lights. Lillian really wished she had Hagakure's quirk right now. 

"I'm moving you up to one of my Third Year classes!"

Lillian paused.



Lillian was in somewhat of a daze the rest of the day. Third year class? Her? In a class with third years? She was dead. She'd die. It was too late for her, really.  She couldn't believe this was happening. Just when things were beginning to look up, this had to happen. Maybe Hitoshi would know what to do. Or Monoma, perhaps. They were both incredibly smart, and she trusted them enough to work with them during the Sports Festival.

"Lillian, are you okay?" Uraraka whispered, looking at the freckled girl from the corner of her eye. "You've been staring at your paper for fifteen minutes."

Lillian jumped a little, blinking rapidly as she turned to look at Uraraka abruptly. Her heart rate increased a little. UA was set up so that she had the exact same schedule as everyone in 1-A did. The twenty of them all moved as a unit from class to class. If she was suddenly in Third Year English, it was going to disrupt her entire schedule! 

Not only would she not have English with her peers, but they'd have to switch another one of her classes. What if she got stuck taking Math with the support department? Maybe taking Chemistry with 1-B wouldn't be so bad, with Monoma in there and all. Perhaps she'd get jammed into Art with General studies?

"I-I'm fine." Lillian lied. Why was she sweating so much? Bethany, I made biscuits! Oh my god, she was going to die. This was the end. What if she got stuck taking Math with a bunch of strangers? What if they didn't want to deal with her schedule change and switched her to a different department? Or worse, what if she was forced into World Government with the Business Course?!

Nobody talked about the Business classes in World Government.

"Oh, okay!" Ochako chirped, not believing it for a second, but not wanting to push. Lillian continued to mull over her paper, beginning to answer the questions. She took some deep breaths. The day was almost over, and then she could go consult with Hitoshi and Monoma... and she could ask Mr. Aizawa about training. But he was so... injured! Surely they couldn't pressure him like that. 

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