Chapter 86

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This is basically a filler but leaving it out really didn't seem like,,, it fit? Like it would mess up my flow you catch my drift. 

Third person pov

Neito was tired. He was so, so tired. As exhausted as he was, he couldn't quite seem to fall asleep. He hadn't really wanted to talk to Hitoshi about what happened. He didn't really remember, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. He didn't mention the stillness of his chest as his heart failed to beat, or the fact that sometimes his lungs simply stopped working because his body forgot he needed them entirely. His brain was in a frenzy, because he was dead, but he also wasn't. Spikes of pain sometimes rose, and sometimes he felt completely numb. His mind struggled to adjust to the fact that some of his organs simply didn't work anymore, and that some really weren't needed at the moment. 

Instead of talking about all the things that went wrong, and all the things he didn't remember, and all the things that hurt, they sat. Hitoshi was warm next to him. That wasn't saying much, because Neito was so, so cold. Even Todoroki's right side would be an upgrade to his chilly skin. It felt like all the life had been drained right out of him. Considering it, Neito supposed it had. But that was almost okay. Right now it was, at least. Just right now. 

Hitoshi's phone and Neito's new one were the only source of light aside from the fairy lights above them, illuminating their faces. They were shoulder to shoulder, draped in a blanket and watching as a sleep-deprived Lillian forced Mambo No. Five onto the crowd. The mass didn't protest, screaming along and cheering. Hitoshi had already worked with Neito to make the girl a Twitter and Instagram, texting her the usernames and passwords for her to get later. She was taking over the internet, her face and footage of her plastered over every website and meme-related video appearing in the recommended. She was topping popularity charts, for what, nobody knew.  

"What should her bio say?" Neito asked, feeling a little more like himself. "Single and ready to die?"

"She's going to have enough people wanting to marry her: no need to egg them on." Hitoshi squinted. They'd texted Chad, told him about the phone situation. He was climbing through their window and chucking a box at them before scrambling back out and saying something about leaving a Nomu in the middle of a crowd with a tot and dog with anger issues before the pair of them even knew what was happening. Neither wanted to try and figure out what that meant, but it earned a laugh from Neito at the least. It was nice to laugh.

"Fair. We could just put 'E' and leave it at that." Neito squinted at the screen as well. "No, no. We could put a threat." The blonde turned to look at Hitoshi, almost ramming his nose into the boy's jaw on accident. Neito swore he felt his own cheeks warm up just slightly. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to cheer him up.

Okay, so he was dead. iZombie who? We don't know her. He was dead, sort of, but he could walk, and talk, and his brain still functioned. He was hurting all over, but Mr. Aizawa's first workout had been way worse in comparison. There were scars ruining his gorgeous body, but there were quirks out there that could help with that, along with his atrocious skin! He was tired, and cold, and had no idea what had happened... but he was okay. He was home, and he was still Neito, and Hitoshi was still Hitoshi, and Lillian was dedicating Diggy Diggy Hole to him on live television. He was pretty sure he'd seen Shoto very briefly in the corner of one of the cameras trained on Lillian doing the splits, but he wasn't positive.

"A threat? Lillian's the least threatening person I know, barring the whole Kaminari thing." Hitoshi said. Neito's head snapped his direction, realization dawning on his face. By the expression morphing onto the purple-haired boy's face, it had also clicked for him. Neito felt a grin stretch across his face, this one bigger and brighter than the last, because right now he was okay, and it would all be okay, and he had his friends now. He wasn't in danger. He was... he was alright! It was alright.

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