Chapter 41

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Third person pov

Aizawa somehow found the energy to be annoyed as Mic blabbered on about Lillian, whom he'd decided to move up to one of his Third Year classes. Apparently the girl was fluent in English, and that constituted a change in her schedule. Aizawa could practically see the anxiety on the girl's face, and she wasn't even here right now. The poor kid was the most jittery, unsure teenager he'd ever met. Most people who entered the hero course were cocky, or at least had a little confidence in themselves. Even Midoriya was doing better than she was, and he shattered his bones when using his quirk.

Class had let out for the day, leaving Aizawa to wait until Mic decided to take him home. It's not like he could drive in this state, and taking the train really wasn't all that appealing of an option. Not in this condition, anyway. Even if he was an underground hero, even he had enemies, and he didn't doubt they'd jump at the chance to take advantage of him in his weakened state. 

Mic was in the middle of telling him, passionately, about how he was Lillian's number one, favorite hero when a small knock sounded. Their eyes snapped to the doorway, Mic falling silent as Lillian's head popped into view. She looked just as nervous as she usually did, her cheeks red with the usual bashfulness. 

Mic gets over his surprise first. "Hello, Little Listener!" He chirps cheerfully. "How can we help you?"

Lillian opens her mouth to say something, but quickly closes it again, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of crimson. She pulled herself into full view, shuffling her feet for a second. The two teachers saw her eyes dart off to the side, and the girl's shoulders relaxed ever so slightly. Swallowing heavily, she then looked at them again, offering a nervous smile.

"I-I, uh w-was wondering i-if I could t-talk to y-y-you, Mr. Aizawa." She managed to force out, her words coming out slightly choked as her face gradually heated. Aizawa tried not to feel too smug when Mic's grin faltered at her words, shooting him a quick glance before standing up. The blonde man narrowed his own eyes back, his glasses glinting when he tilted his head downwards.

Lillian stepped to the side swiftly so her teacher could exit. The dark haired man turned to address her, only to stop when he saw two other teens standing behind her. Both were male, and he recognized one as a kid from Vlad's class, class 1-B. He was definitely the pretty boy type, with blond hair, blue eyes, and clear skin. Aizawa immediately felt his lip curl.

The other was taller, but more ragged. His purple hair was an absolute mess, and the bags under his matching violet eyes were almost as dark as Aizawa's own. His posture was slumped, and he looked nothing short of completely and totally exhausted. Lillian backed up a little, and they parted so she could come to a stop between them, both of them awkwardly averting their gazes.

"Who are you two?" Aizawa asked in a dry tone, kicking the door to the teacher work room shut to prevent Mic from eavesdropping. The two tall males shifted uncomfortably at the question, and Aizawa could tell they were sweating.

"A-Ah, these a-are my friends. Th-This is Hitoshi Shinso, f-from General Studies, a-and this is Neito Monoma from c-class 1-B." Lillian introduced them nervously, flapping her hands a little bit as she did so. Aizawa felt a little surprised to hear that. It's not that he didn't expect Lillian to make friends; he'd seen her interacting with the other girls in class. These two were just... well, he really wasn't sure how she'd possibly ever cross paths with someone who looked like he'd rather be asleep than here right now, and some cocky kid with a nice face.

"Right." Aizawa's eyes narrowed. Lillian jumped slightly.

"W-We, a-ah, wanted to ask your help." Lillian mumbled the last part bashfully. Aizawa's eyebrows raised.

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