Chapter 9

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Lillian's pov

I was dragged to the back of the class to sit at a cluster of desks by Tsu and Hagakure. I was getting used to having conversation with them, and I was surprised at how easy it was to become friends with them. They weren't difficult like the people in my middle school. In fact, they seem almost more mature. I guess only certain types of people can really get into the hero course. Nobody petty is going to get in. They wouldn't pass the test that way, right?

"Hey, who's this?" A girl with short brown hair was sitting with Momo, who'd retreated away from the group of boys when they'd begun to talk about things like video games and action movies, which apparently she didn't have much interest in. The brown haired girl continued, "Ah, that was rude of me! Sorry! I'm Ochaco Uraraka! It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Lillian." I smiled a small smile. "I-It's nice to meet you too." She seems really nice and like she has an overall good attitude. I like her already. That's not to say I don't like my other peers! They've all been wonderfully kind in welcoming me into the classroom. I'm surprised at how quickly they accepted me. They're acting like they've known me for ages and- I'm rambling. God, I'm just so nervous!

"Oh, you're the girl that tied with me! That's awesome!" Ochaco exclaimed happily, pressing fingertips together.

"Whoa, really? You got third place?" Tsuyu awed slightly, and I felt my cheeks blossom red with embarrassment. 

"Somehow." I mumbled, earning a laugh from Ochaco and a giggle from Hagakure.

"What was the exam like anyway?" Momo asked, resting her head on her hands. I blinked at her. Was she not there? Maybe she missed it and got in some other way. I'm willing to bet that if you fail you simply get kicked out, so she definitely wasn't held back. She seems far too smart for that anyway. 

"That's right, you got in on a special recommendation, right?!" Ochaco gasped, and Hagakure seemed to perk up. They began to chatter about that, all of them seemed extremely excited. I couldn't help but smile as I lowered by gaze to my hands. I feelnawkward, but okay. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think... I think I may have overreacted just a smidge.

 A blonde boy with red eyes showed up, but he didn't waste anytime trudging past those by the door to take a seat. He clearly didn't want to socialize. The girls stared at the grumpy looking individual for a moment before going back to talking, asking me about my hobbies and taking time to get to know me as well. I tried to get to know them too in turn. They seemed just as interested about my life as I was about theirs, and that meant a lot.

"I'm glad everyone here seems so nice. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make friends." Tsu sighed. 

"You too?! I felt the same way! I was so nervous when I came in. Even now I feel like I don't know what to say." Hagakure admitted, presumably bringing her hands up to her cheeks. I blinked at them.

"M-Me too. I fell like I don't belong, almost." I admitted sheepishly.

"Exactly." Momo seemed to understand, and Ochaco laughed a little.

"Look at us! I think we all came in prepared for the worst. This is the legendary UA high, right?" She giggled to herself, and I felt myself ease up slightly. I smiled and nodded. "I guess we've all got that in common. Besides, you guys are really nice! I feel like we're friends already." She admitted.

"Me too. I was afraid to say anything though. Is it too soon" Hagakure's voice was quiet at soft.

"This isn't a five-way romantic relationship, so I don't think so. I really like you guys too. I think I'd consider you friends." Tsu shrugged as though what she'd said was no big deal, but I felt my heart swell. I've had friends in the past, but they were the kind who'd only talk to me if they had no one else to talk to. The fact that they were including me and that they felt the same was... well, amazing.

"There are more boys in this class than there are girls. I say we band together." Momo chuckled.

"R-Really?" I squeaked. "I-I mean, I'd love to be your friend! I'm just... I-I don't know." My cheeks flared again. Hagakure put a hand on my shoulder and Tsu seemed like she understood. Ochaco also seemed to get it, shaking her head slightly and smiling.

"I get it. But yeah, I'll agree to call you friends if you agree to call me one!" Ochaco raised a fist. I lit up.

"Well... I... I would like to be friends with all of you." I said before adding. "I-If that's alright!" 

"Of course it is." Momo chuckled, and Hagakure and Tsu high fived. I felt myself smile. Ochaco stood up. 

"Look, another female!" She said in a dramatic tone. "We must induct her into our clan." 

Our whole group burst into a fit of giggles and laughter that made me feel all the more welcome, and I found myself smiling. I'm still nervous and scared, and I still don't think I'll be a very good hero, but I have figured out one thing that's definitely for sure.

I don't regret taking that entrance exam.

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