Chapter 44

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Third person pov

Monoma learned a few things about Lillian during Art History. One, she was much more comfortable going into an unfamiliar situation when a friend was with her. She'd still been reasonably jittery, but she'd managed to squeak out her name for the class before allowing him to drag her down into the seat next to him.

Another thing he'd learned was that she couldn't draw. At all. She'd get about two seconds in before her hands began to shake, and she'd get overly-nervous from the pressure of trying to create something. Neito could tell his classmates had questions, but he fended them off with vicious glares and threatening scowls. 

Lillian had adjusted fairly quickly, though she did refuse to make eye contact with anyone other than Neito. The blonde didn't have any qualms with this. It would just make pranking the class later all the easier. Who would ever suspect shy, nervous, sweet little Lillian? Exactly. They wouldn't know what hit them.

Lillian could safely say Art History was now her new favorite class. She didn't particularly like Art History, but she didn't dislike it either. Plus, Neito was in there! She loved Present Mic, of course. He remained her favorite hero, and always would. She was just... not loving his class as much as she did before she got switched! She was sure she would adjust... but until then...

Art History with 1-B wasn't much different than class with 1-A, save for the fact that she recognized essentially no one. She knew a few names, but only because she'd heard them in passing. She was glad Midnight let her sit next to Neito. She probably would have combust had she been forced into a seat next to a stranger. Sure, a class of first years wasn't as bad as a class of third years, but either way, she didn't know these people.

The rest of the day passed with little excitement, and Lillian was glad. Now she found herself walking towards her house with Hitoshi. He had wrung her and Neito for details about the class they now shared, and they'd done their best to deliver. Not much had happened. Midnight had made a sexual comment about the color red, but other than that, it was just like any other Art class. 

Hitoshi smoothed out his UA blazer for the fifth time as they approached her home. He was usually so laid back and collected, so seeing him nervous was quite the change. Lillian couldn't help but find it a little cute, which was awkward enough as it was. She refused to tell him as such. It would probably just increase his nerves, and she really didn't want to do that.

"Th-They're just my parents." She assured. She really couldn't talk. Meeting his parents had been one of the most horrifying moments of her life. Of course, she adored Hitoshi's parents, and owed them a lot. They were sweet, accepting, and extremely kind. Lillian honestly just wanted to hug them and cry. However, getting acquainted with them for the first time had sent her spiraling into a pit of panic Hitoshi barely managed to pull her out of.

"Yeah, like you're one to talk." He said dryly, snorting a little. She rolled her eyes playfully and gave him a threatening nudge, to which he responded with a scoff. How could he not be nervous meeting her parents? He was a creepy guy. The bags under his eyes were too dark to be normal, his hair was constantly a mess, and he had what most called a "villain's quirk." While Lillian was sweet and accepted him and his quirk as they were with a bright smile and no questions asked, how could he say the same about her parents?

He knew her whole family was quirkless, save for her. They were one of those rare chains of people, where quirkless people married other quirkless people, and then reproduced to create more quirkless people, who then went on to marry some more quirkless people! It was like those powerful quirk users who paired up with another powerful quirk user to try and create the ultimate child.

Lillian was the odd one out. She'd, somehow, against all odds, developed a quirk. The child of two non-quirk users being born with a quirk wasn't unheard of, but Lillian was truly a phenomenon. Her genes mutated and adapted finally, giving her a rare, sight-based quirk. Blinking apparently effected it greatly, being used to activate and deactivate it. She could blink between those times, luckily, unlike Aizawa.

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