Chapter 97

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Sort of a contest at the bottom but it's also like a cry for help so-


Also y'all,,, y'aaallll, I love you all and I appreciate you reading this, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and all its bendy twist fucks, but stop asking when I'm going to update before I have to stab my eyeballs out. You know it takes about a week-ish. The chapters for Freeze Frame are longer than the chapters for the other books and thus take longer to write. Not only that, but I have to update other stories as well. You guys know the general amount of time it takes. Don't mc-frickin' ask. Use your woke observation skills to be like "yo,,,, every 7-9 days,,, a chapter drops" and like yote yourself like a good youngin' 

Third person pov

"It's time for summer vacation to officially begin. However... don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra!'." Aizawa drawled. It was finally time to leave for summer camp, and both 1-A and 1-B were ready to go... for the most part. Neito still hadn't made any appearances, though he did call on Hajime's phone every so often to check in. Hajime himself also made sure to update them daily, though they didn't have much information as to what was going on. It meant Lillian and Hitoshi both were a bit more anxious than others. Todoroki assured them that their blonde friend would surely be fine, but the idea of leaving him here alone while they went off in the woods was worrying.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone chimed. Despite the fact that they'd be taking a long bus ride, they were all still in uniform. Lillian felt fidgety wearing a skirt, her eyes scanning along her classmates uncertainly. Hitoshi was only slightly better. He hadn't really connected with his new peers yet, however. Instead he tended to over around Lillian, Shoto, and Izuku almost exclusively. Even now he had his arms folded across his chest and head ducked, both of which clear signs that he wasn't in the mood to chat.

"I-I'm a bit nervous. Do you think things will g-go well?" Lillian asked, concern swimming in her bright blue eyes. Hitoshi let out a breath of air through his nose. It was definitely a valid question. Shoto had wandered off to go bother Izuku, leaving the two of them stranded near where the self-proclaimed "Bakusquad" was hovering about. Bakugo kept glancing over, at one point cocking an eyebrow in silent question. Hitoshi kept shooting glares back, but Lillian didn't seem to notice her tired friend's hostility and would only shrug back at the champagne blonde.

"Yeah, I... don't know how I feel about leaving Neito here. I know my parents will take care of him if he needs anything, but..." Hitoshi trailed off. Neito had been through a lot lately, and they were his friends. The thought of simply not being there for him sent a shiver down his spine. The blonde teen had been with them through a lot already, and his... death had hit hard. It was weird to think that he was no longer alive. He'd seemed so... so cheerful before exams rained down on them. Like he was finally finding himself again. Now, all they had was his tired voice on the other side of a phone line.

"Y-You're right. I'm sure... I-I'm sure he'll be okay. Chad promised to keep an e-ear out, and Tsukauchi is w-with him a lot." Lillian said quietly, lowering her gaze. She was excited for summer camp. The prospect of strengthening both her body and quirk was appealing in her mind, even if she already knew it would be hell. Especially with Mr. Aizawa in charge. Still, she couldn't help but linger on all the underlying worries she had about her friend's care. Was something wrong, and that was why he was in the hospital? Was he dying completely? 

"We just need to stay strong, I guess. Yeet ourselves to summer camp and experience it so we have some stories to tell." Hitoshi gave a half smile, bumping her with his arm. Lillian hesitated, but eventually smiled back, giving a bobbing nod. He was right. There was nothing they could do, so they may as well have fun. Worrying wouldn't do any good in a situation like this. As cheesy and cliche as it sounded, Neito would want them to have the best possible time they could. 

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