Chapter 89

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Third person pov

Hizashi had a huge issue. He wasn't sick or anything, nor was he having financial trouble. No, this wasn't so simple. This involved his radio show. He'd been broadcasting daily ever since he was in high school, consistent in his streaming to the public and never missing a day. If he couldn't make it, he always had a sidekick come on to at least play some music. It had always been fairly simple and pleasant like that. Not at all stressful like it was now. He didn't blame Lillian for it at all or anything of that sort. It wasn't her fault. 

His viewers were fuming. They weren't particularly mad at him, but they did have demands that he wasn't sure how to meet. Of course he missed Lillian being on the show too. Though she'd only participated or a week, he felt like he'd lost something important. It was lonely and empty and the studio without her curled up on the couch or ranting about how much Endeavor sucked absolute ass. He wished she could come back, but he knew she couldn't. Not right now at least. Perhaps he could convince her to come on during the weekend...

Midterms were coming up, and Lillian was on the grind. She looked deader and deader every day he saw her. With only two weeks to go until their tests, Mic couldn't blame her. There was also apparently something going on with Neito that was stressing even Hitoshi out. The blonde seemed just as chipper as he usually was, but even Mic noticed that he was paler, with prominent bags under his eyes and such of the like. Not to mention that detective from the USJ, Naomasa, was seen around them a lot for whatever reason.

Aizawa wouldn't tell him what had Lillian so stressed out. That either meant he was being a trivial bitch who didn't want to share his amazing daughter, or it was confidential. Because Mic was petty as all hell, he was willing to bet it was the former-

Mic wasn't the only one concerned, oh no. Unbeknownst to literally everyone, save for Shoto who was too perceptive for his own good at rare times, Bakugo was absolutely losing his shit. Lillian was awake at odd hours of the day, he'd tried to get her to study with him several times only for her to say she was too tired, and she looked pretty much dead on her feet! And he had no idea why. She wouldn't say a peep, and it was pissing him off. Not even Chad would tell him what the fuck was up, only sending selfies of himself and Vlad covered in blood giving peace signs. It was infuriating.

Why the fuck wouldn't she just tell him? She'd told him everything else. About Aizawa being her dad, and her anxiety, and all that shit! What he was trying to say was that there was trust there. They were friends, and... and friends told each other all sorts of fuckmuncher drama shit, right? He'd never seen her look so emotionally... just not there. It was like she was some sort of zombie, and her bestie turnip fucker was no different. He always heard them muttering to one another whenever they got the chance, and it was the same with that Icyhot bastard. If they knew, why couldn't he?

They still texted. Lillian was an evasive little shit. She really knew how to redirect the conversation when she wanted to. It wasn't until after the texting was over that he even realized she'd done it, she was just that slick. He wasn't sure if he should be proud or frustrated. Maybe both. Either way, it didn't change the fact that she was avoiding the point. The issue! The one he could probably help with, because he was amazing at everything, including friendship. He could be the best damn friend she ever had if she just let him.

Truth be told, Lillian wasn't actually all that stressed. Midterms were coming up, and god knows she and Hitoshi were both overthinking those, but it wasn't as bad as it could be. She and her friends had been needlessly cramming in a desperate attempt to pass. The practical exam was rumored to be robots, which only freaking Hitoshi out further, along with Neito who couldn't do much without other people around him. Lillian was less than inclined to believe they'd actually repeat something they'd already gone through. UA was so extra, it was bound to be something more unique.

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