Chapter 65

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Third person pov

"Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane Tortilla!" Neito said in a girlish tone as Uraraka rained rubble down upon Bakugo, who barely managed to deflect it with large explosions that no doubt hurt his hands. Aizawa had stolen the microphone and lectured a bunch of heroes on why Bakugo wasn't being a dick and playing with her, he was simply respecting her and her ability. It was pretty much all the commentary the dark-haired man had given, but Hitoshi had gasped in awe anyway. 

"My dick is stuck in a Pringles can." Lillian muttered. Hitoshi raised a brow.

"What flavor?" Hitoshi asked, eyeing the blood covering her uniform. 

"Sour cream and onion-" She coughed.

"Wait, shit, are they done? She just fell over y'all, that mean's I'm next. I don't want to die a virgin." Neito realized with clear horror. He was going up against Kirishima, one of the most manly men he'd ever come across. Even manlier than TetsuTetsu. How could he even counter that? Was copying someone else's quirk beforehand allowed? If so, he could just take Hitoshi's or Lillian's. Either would do the trick in this situation.

"Uraraka is K.O. Bakugo advances to the next round!" Midnight announced after checking over the girl. Lillian leaned forward, brow furrowing with concern. She hoped her friend was alright, but she was once again faced with an issue. She didn't want to miss Neito's match. Her eyes shifted to the entrance of 1-B's seating area as Iida briskly walked by, and she relaxed a little. He was heading to see her.

"Get up, you pansy ass. Take my quirk in case you can use it." Hitoshi said, shoving Neito from his seat. Lillian also offered her hand, letting the nervous teen borrow her quirk for himself. She gave what she hoped was an encouraging smile as he took a deep breath and shook his hands out. He was clearly loaded up with nerves, but he was also determined. 

"Cheer for me." Neito proclaimed. "Lillian, you're perfect and I adore you. Hitoshi, I love you more than life itself. Play Cuban Pete at my funeral." 

"Shut the hell up. You're not going to die." Hitoshi rolled his eyes at the dramatic blonde. 

"Y-You'll do great, Neito! W-We'll be cheering for you the who time." Lillian assured with a smile. Neito groaned loudly, but excited the seating area anyway. The pair waved, both of them wondering where Todoroki was and if he was okay. They still had eyes on Endeavor, which was one of the main reasons they hadn't sniffed him out like bloodhounds they just so happened to be.

"You think he can use our quirks?" Hitoshi asked her. Lillian frowned, not sure. Bringing something from the outside into the test didn't seem like it was fair. However, it was a natural part of his quirk as well. Not letting him use that wouldn't be all that cool. It would be like not allowing Iida to chug orange juice to fuel his engines, or not allowing Lillian to use eye drops so she could sustain her power longer. Or, or, not letting Koda call upon animals to help him during the different events.

"I-I hope so. Hopefully he doesn't chicken out and actually asks." Lillian peeked down her shirt. Yeet peered back up at her, seeming rather content. She let her collar go. She was glad the blood hadn't soaked through the material and disturbed him in any way.

"Yeah, I'll drop kick him into next week if he doesn't make it to the final round." Hitoshi grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as the rubble created by Ochako and Bakugo's match was cleared. Lillian would have to congratulate the boy later. It wasn't something she would have done previously, but they were in the same squad now, so she had an obligation to. She'd also have to go hunt down Ochako as soon as she could.

"Alright, alright!" Mic crowed. "For our next match, with have Eijiro Kirishima from class 1-A, looking determined as ever!" 

Kirishima stepped out with a sharp-toothed grin plastered on his face, and Lillian couldn't help but sigh a little. He was seriously the purest one in their class at this rate. Well... excusing maybe Midoriya, though he did spend most of his time writing out detailed plans on how to destroy his classmates on the battle field. Lillian had no doubts he could absolutely fuck up the entire class with psychology alone at this point, seeing as how much he observed them

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