Chapter 37

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What vines do you guys feel Lillian and Hitoshi need to reference. It would help me out a lot if you commented some you wanna see slipped in UwU

Also in this chapter the beginnings of a meme squad forming can be seen so prepare yourselves.

Third person pov

Neito Monoma has absolutely no idea what just happened, but he finds himself a bit... taken-aback really isn't strong enough to express how he feels, but it's what comes closest. Honestly, other than that, he doesn't know how to feel. Some girl whom he vaguely recognizes as being a member of class 1-A grabbed him and referenced a video he actually knew quite well. Not that he'd ever admit to that. But to say he was flabbergasted... was an understatement. 

One of 1-A's snobby students, who he will begrudgingly admit doesn't seem as self-entitled in comparison to the other buffoons, had referenced a meme. He recognized it the moment he heard the girl and her sleep-deprived friend calling out for 'little Timmy.' Not that he'd ever say that out loud. He couldn't have people knowing that he... he was a closet memer. It would ruin him!

Imagine his surprise when the girl grabbed him and spouted the words of Brandon Rogers with fake panic painted across her face. How could he not be just a little awed at her bold move? In middle school, Neito had found himself picked on for liking such nerdy internet trends. Not much, but it was enough to make him fold. He wanted be taken seriously here at UA. If that meant hiding the fact that his thoughts were all vine references at this point, then so be it.

Though... that girl was in Class 1-A, and though he hadn't recognized the boy with purple hair, it was clear he had just as much confidence when it came to memes as the girl. Them running off cackling and shouting back and fourth about Timmy was enough proof. He found himself almost wanting to join them. But of course, that was beneath him!

...That didn't mean he couldn't at least... dwell on that 1-A girl and her friend just a bit.


"Lillian, are you okay?" Ochako leans over to whisper. Lillian had rushed ahead to class after sputtering an apology out to her homeroom teacher for hugging him without permission. Though he assured her that it wasn't a big deal, she couldn't stop herself from being immensely embarrassed. Crying in front of people wasn't something she enjoyed. It made her feel embarrassed and ashamed. Crying in front of someone she idolized had to be about seven times worse.

"Y-Yeah." Lillian knew her eyes were red and puffy. "S-Sorry."

"Don't apologize! Oh... but I wanted to ask you something." Ochako seemed the remember something. Lillian braced herself for the worst. What if Ochako didn't want to be friends anymore? What would she say? What if Todoroki overheard and told someone? Not that he seemed like the gossiping type or anything. But what if Iida heard? He'd mention it, and then Ochako would be embarrassed, and-

"This morning, Tsu and I were walking and thought we saw you sprint past us with some purple-haired dude. We thought you yelled something about a stroke..." Ochako looked severely unsure. Lillian felt nothing but cold, hard relief. Her expression immediately smoothed over, and she gave Ochako a small smile.

"I-I don't believe that was me, n-no." Lillian answered with as straight a face as anyone would expect to see on someone like her. It was just as timid. Lillian lied so well that she almost had herself convinced. Ochako took it with a smile and a thumbs up. It was pretty clear she hadn't really thought it was Lillian before. The freckled girl turned to face the front of the room just as Mr. Aizawa walked in.

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