Chapter 30

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Third person pov

Mihoko hadn't realized they were awake until she heard it.

It was faint at first. It started off as something that itched at her ears, as though it weren't quite there. But then it got louder. It hit her why. Hitoshi and Lillian were.... well, she wouldn't call it singing. They were basically screaming it. She had been shocked still by it. Hitoshi was usually so quiet, and sometimes she didn't even know he was home. And then there was Lillian, who was quite reserved and shy from what she gathered. Hitoshi's voice overpowered hers, but she could still hear the girl's voice 

She crept up the stairs. 

Truth be told, Lillian had been shaken by her nightmare. She liked the world Hitoshi had introduced herself. It was almost like she could drown it all out. Plus, Hitoshi had opened up so much more due to it, and so had she. It was common ground for the pair now, and it made Lillian want to laugh until her lungs popped, so that was something. So when Hitoshi began to educate her on why the Youtuber Pewdiepie happened to be god, she couldn't help but get sucked in. She'd secretly always liked things like this, but she'd never really gotten into it...

But now, her nerves had melted away. She'd never felt like this before. Not with the few friends she'd had in the past, and not at home with her parents. It was like something had awoken to counter the fear she still felt from the USJ. She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, but it was something. Better to channel her anger into this than something else.

"No p-papa, no papa. Yes papa, Johnny." It was Lillian, and though her voice was soft and a little hesitant, it was still there. The door was cracked open ever so slightly. She was standing on the bed wearing some of Mihoko's sunglasses, and Shinso was standing in front of her on the ground, holding his phone in the air as it blasted music. He gave her an encouraging thumbs up and a grin. "N-Now down all of this sugar and let's throw a fucking party with some-" 

Mihoko barely had time to freak out over the fact that sweet little Lillian had just cursed before her and Hitoshi were screaming again. 

"BITCH LASAGNA, BITCH LASAGNA!" Mihoko jumped slightly, almost choking on air. What had Hitoshi done to her?! How did she know the words? I mean, she was glad the girl was doing better, and had found a way to cope, but... why hadn't Hitoshi just shown her how to knit or something? Sure, Lillian's screaming wasn't nearly as loud as Hitoshi's, and her cheeks were definitely redder than most apples, but what the hell? Lillian continued on her own quietly, stumbling a little with scarlet cheeks, "L-Look at T-series, they just cryin' for their momma.

Hitoshi threw down his own sunglasses, and Lillian did the same, though softer. They began raising their fists into the air. "BITCH LASAGNA, BITCH LASAGNA. T-SERIES AIN'T NOTHING BUT A BITCH LASAGNA!" 

Mihoko backed up a little, but not completely. Okay, so Lillian had showed up on their front doorstep looking undeniably dead. Hitoshi had somehow gotten him into those... 'memes' of his, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Lillian looked like she was having a good time, and it was the most open she'd ever Lillian. She still seemed pretty unsure, but she also wasn't crying. A plus in Mihoko's book.

Honestly, Lillian didn't know how to feel. The cursing had been a little new, and she'd sputtered, but as Hitoshi got louder, she couldn't help but join in. And now they were screaming, and Hitoshi had found sunglasses, and now she didn't feel like traumatized Lillian. She felt like... she didn't know. She couldn't bring herself to scream with the same confidence Hitoshi did, but she also couldn't stop herself from joining in with a smile. Hitoshi was extremely encouraging for some reason.

Hitoshi gave a little hop, and Lillian hesitated before copying him, her face red and smile so wide it hurt. "BITCH LASAGNA, BITCH LASAGNA, LOOK AT T-SERIES, THEY JUST WETTING THEIR PAJAMAS!" 

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