Chapter 32

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Do I remember if Hitoshi and Lillian exchanged numbers in the past? No. Am I going to have them do it now? You bet.

(Please don't kill me hahdkasdlhf my memory is shit-)

Third person pov

When Lillian charged her phone, she immediately texted Hitoshi. He'd scribbled his number on a piece of paper so she could shoot him a message when she got her phone back. She'd expected to get it back when she went back to school, whenever that was, but Present Mic had brought her her belongings before as such. She was glad, though she wished her English Teacher hadn't gone to the trouble of getting her bag and bringing it all the way here.

Hey, Hitoshi! It's Lillian. I got my phone back. 

I'll be Bastion.

Nerf Bastion.

At least she knew she had the right number.

Hitoshi questioned how Lillian got her phone back, to which she went on a spiel about Present Mic, and how he shouldn't have troubled himself, and how he was amazing. Hitoshi proceeded to bring up Eraserhead, and Lillian gushed over him too. And that's the story of how they spent two hours freaking out over their favorite pros and making obscure meme references. 

They'd be out of school for the rest of this week, and then they'd be back on Monday. It seemed a little soon, but Lillian understood. The school was probably itching to address the issue. Not only that, but it wouldn't look good if they kept the students out of school for a prolonged amount of time. The press would eat it up, and Lillian understood that.

She spent her time with her family. All the girls in her class had apparently gotten her number off her phone somehow. Lillian had a sneaking suspicion Jiro had unlocked it somehow using her quirk, buts he didn't much mind. She liked chatting with them, and making sure they were okay. They were extremely worried about her. She insisted she was fine, but she did suppose she'd looked pretty bad last they saw her.

Her dad was given work off for the rest of the week. He hadn't even had to ask. The amount of phone calls they were getting from family, even mom's side, all of whom lived in America, was astonishing. It told Lillian this news had spread worldwide. The thought was a little scary. She tried her best not to think about it. Instead she focused on trying to explain her quirk to her awed family members, all of whom thought she was god reincarnate now. Their praise and amazement was a little awkward, it was better than them hating her guts for keeping it to herself all this time.

Lillian felt her phone buzz in the pocket of the hoodie she still hasn't returned to Hitoshi. She pulled it out.

Hit or Miss?

I guess she took the kids, huh?

She felt herself smile as she hit send, her thoughts once again drifting to her homeroom teacher. She had his number in her phone. Being in the hero course, the whole class did, in case of emergencies. Sometimes UA students got wrapped up in some tricky situations. Because they weren't certified to use their quirks in public, it was good to have an authority figure who basically never slept in case they needed help. And, by extension, one that could safely use their quirk or give them permission to use theirs.

Biting her lip anxiously, Lillian began to type out a message.


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