Chapter 105

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Lmao sorry for the abrupt absence I started school and had an adjustment period full of anxiety and self hatred but here I am ig

Lillian's pov

I think everyone reaches a point in their life where they can do nothing but stop and look back on everything they've seen and everything they've done, and ask themselves what the fuck their life has been up until that very point. I was standing there, by the road. I heard the twig snap behind me. But I was tired, and I messed up. I always do at some point, in some way. Even though I heard it before Awase could even process what was happening, I didn't have the reflexes to react and get out of the way. And it cost us both, I think.

It felt like it went in slow motion. Not the cool kind you see in movies, that's dramatic and digitally altered. This was slow and dragging, like walking through hot tar. It all flashed right before my very eyes, like a cliche cutscene before a character dies. It almost burned, in a way I can't really put into words. I used to be so anxious before. I still am, but before, I was so much worse. How did I get anything done? My fields? Not plowed. My crops? Not watered! And what was even worse, my eggroll.... it wasn't buttered.

That's besides the point. I felt myself think back to before I knew who my father was. I love my dad. He's my teacher, and beloved guardian, and has shaped me into the person I am today. All my friends have. But for a shameful moment, I wanted my mom and dad. The ones from before. The ones who used to cradle me in their arms when I cried, and tuck me into bed at night. What they did was wrong, but terror seized me. I wanted them to hold my hands and swing me between them while we went on a walk. I wanted me dad to take me down to the creek to fish! I know they stole me. That I am not theirs, and they are not mine. But they loved me. I know they did. They raised me because they wanted me to be their child, and for a while, I was. I miss them, and the rest of the family they offered me when I had nothing.

I met Katsuki's eyes. Is now a bad time to decide I like him? Probably, but you know me! My middle name is Inconvenience. The chances of me dying are pretty high. I know that. Awase knows that. They took me for a reason, and it really can't be a good one considering they're the League of Villains. Do they know the abbreviation is L.O.V.? Sort of ironic, but I won't comment. Or maybe I will. It's not like it'll make a difference. In the end, I know what's probably going to happen.

Awase and I are going to die... and somehow, looking back at all I've done, achieved, all the friends I've made, all the heights my puny, pathetic little self has managed to scale... I think I'd be at peace with it. I'd be pissed, because it's not like I want to go, but the life I've built is something I feel proud of. Even with the aching in my chest as my dad's voice filled my ears and I met the eyes of one of my closest friends. Even as Awase fused himself to me in a panic, trying desperately to stop whatever was about to happen. As my world went dark, I knew I didn't want it to stay that way, but didn't think I'd be horribly enraged if it did by some chance. 

But as Katsuki might say, I've got shit to do. So I suppose I will be sticking around a little longer. After all fate has put me through, I suppose I deserve to survive this. My dad needs me, and so do my friends. I'm anxious, and not as assertive as most of my classmates, but until they decide they're done with me... I will fight tooth and nail to get out of whatever fresh shitshow I've just fallen into. Even if I die in the end, or lose more than I would've gained, at least I can say I tried. 

Third person pov

Alright, so like, Mr. Compress isn't exactly sure what happened. It was one person per marble, and no more than that. There was a total capacity he couldn't go over, you know! So imagine his surprise when not just one teenager disappeared, but two! He wasn't sure who the second one was exactly. He didn't have much time to think about it either. The last thing he did before stepping backwards into one of Kurogiri's portals was tip his hat, feeling satisfied with his success despite the unusuality of the capture. It didn't matter much. Though he wished he could've gotten the explosive one, the girl with the ability to freeze the scene before her was what everyone seemed the most interested in. Himself, included.

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