Chapter 74

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Written on phone fair warning hahdhfjiswj expect typos

Third person pov

Mic had a plan. A solid, actual plan that would most definitely convince Aizawa that Lillian was his daughter. You see, he'd tried to bring it up briefly with the man. Twice. He'd been blown off both times, and the guy hadn't even looked at the photo of Mayako. Mic was a pushy and loud guy, but Aizawa had been dealing with him for years. The underground hero had experience ignoring the blonde.

However, his plan could wait. Right now was quite possibly the best moment of Mic's life so far. While most of Class 1-A was off to the train station to be whisked off the various prefectures, Lillian was standing happily next to him, gripping the straps of her backpack with a mixture of excitement and nervousness shining in her blue eyes as she watched her friends off. Monoma absolutely refused to tell anyone where he was going, and Hitoshi was still in class. Todoroki was off to Hawks' agency, shooting Lillian a simple peace sign as he flicked sunglasses onto his face. Bakugo had stalked off while muttering something about a car.

Lillian had come to him because she wanted to have more confidence. She'd explained in an extremely embarrassed tone that she couldn't even look at a microphone without freezing up. She knew she'd have to deal with the media. Her quirk meant she needed to use it during the day for it to be used to its full potential. That meant she'd inevitably need to talk to people, and she'd have to talk to the press. 

At first he wasn't sure what he could do about the cameras and microphones without dragging her out in front of the press. On one's internship, that was exactly what you wanted. Attention. It goal was to make some form a of a debut to let people know who you were and what you could do. However, that wasn't ideal for someone with an anxiety disorder. Mic would never do anything to make Lillian too terribly uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the plan he had in mind was definitely going to push her out of her comfort zone. That... wasn't a bad thing, per say. Just not the best thing.

He had a radio show. It had hit him while he was in the middle of broadcasting, and he'd nearly screamed before remembering someone could sue him if they lost any of their hearing. It was perfect. He did it everyday, so of course it wasn't all that out of the ordinary. He had to do it either way but... this time he could bring Lillian on! For a week, she could be a guest on the show. It was perfect! She still had to interact with people and talk into a mic, but she didn't have to see them. It was all voice.

When the show wasn't going on, he could take her on patrols. He'd already switched his area to one with less criminal activity. Nothing but low-life thugs there. Maybe teaching her some hand to hand would be good too... actually, that was probably something Aizawa would be better at. Mic was long range, so he wasn't that well-versed in close combat. Not like Aizawa was. Plus, maybe she'd get frustrated enough that her hair...

"M-Mr. Mic?" Lillian stuttered. He blinked out of his train of thought, grinning at her. 

"Come on, kiddo. My car is this way. I'll show you my apartment! We can make you a bed on the couch. It'll be great." He was practically bouncing. "Wait, or should I show you the studio first? No, we can do that later... unless we should do it now!" 

Lillian blinked, smiling a nervous smile. She didn't doubt she'd made the right choice in picking Mic. She just hoped there weren't too many bumps in the road along the way...


Bakugo spotted the car and his nose scrunched up. It was a beat up red vehicle with an Uber Eats sticker on the side. He glanced down at the description of the automobile he'd been looking for that he was given. It matched it perfectly, much to his dismay. The explosive blonde was definitely beginning to have second thoughts about this. Though Lillian had assured him that Chad was a great guy through her laughter, he definitely had cause for concern if this was the thing the man was driving.

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