Chapter 21

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Third person pov

Dinner was a rather nice affair. Hitoshi's father was very interested in her quirk, and thought it was cool. She found their quirks amazing as well, and could see where Hitoshi's came from. Mihoko had a quirk that let her feel others emotions, to an extent. It was apparently a form of mind-reading, though she only got feelings. Seldom did she ever get real words. In contrast, Hajime had a quirk called "no sleep" that essentially allowed him to go longer periods without rest. Hence the bags under his eyes, and his job as a doctor.

Lillian had greatly feared her parents would be upset with her staying out so late. Their reaction, was in fact, the opposite. They were overjoyed that she was finally socializing. Her mother even more so when she realized it was a boy. Her father had been a little pensive upon learning this, and looked pretty close to throwing the front door open and calling out to Hitoshi, who'd walked her home. He, luckily, didn't.

That morning, Lillian got up feeling rather happy. Most mornings felt... weighted, and she felt nervous, but today she was nothing short of cheerful. Her parents noticed it, too. They both were glad to see their daughter feeling a little more open. Especially with how quiet she often times happened to be.

"Lillian." A voice called, stopping the girl in her commute to school. She peered curiously towards the source. She was surprised to see Hitoshi there, waiting for her at the corner with a small smile on his face. A smile formed on her own face when she realized her new friend had taken the time to wait for her. "Want to walk together?"

She hadn't been able to refuse.

Hitoshi was incredibly nice. She almost felt unworthy of being his friend, but squashed it down. It would only hurt the both of them if she tried to avoid him, or something of that sort, right? She'd come to UA looking to be a hero, and... well, heroes showed confidence in themselves! She had to do that as well.

"I saw you walk to school with that friend of yours this morning." Ochako teased as she and Lillian took their seats. Immediately, the girl felt her face go red with clear embarrassment. Of course she wasn't embarrassed being Hitoshi's friend! No, of course not! He was so nice, and so was his family, so she'd never feel that way, she just... oh, she didn't know!

"Quiet down, class." Aizawa sighed as he took his place at the front of the room. The chattering group of students immediately fell silent. School hadn't been in session long, but they were quickly learning to fear Eraserhead, and to do whatever he said, whenever he said it to avoid getting a look that would haunt you for a good week and a half. Mina was still having nightmares from the smile he gave on the first day.

Aizawa sighed heavily. Really, he wasn't paid enough for this. 

"Today's training will be a little different." He started blandly. "You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

Whispers shot through the class. Ochako leaned a little closer to Lillian, and the freckled girl immediately became nervous. Getting called out by their teacher really wasn't on her to-do list, but neither was ignoring her friend. "Three faculty members! Do you think it's because of the break in?" She asked quietly. Lillian thought about it for a moment.

"P...Possibly." Lillian admitted. She'd been thinking a lot about the security breach, and it didn't make much sense in her mind. "I mean, h-how could the press g-get past such high-tech s-security by themselves?"

Ochako looked a little grim at her observation, rolling the idea that something else as amiss in her head. 

"Sir!" Sero threw his hand up into the air. "What kind of training is this?"

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