Chapter 62

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Sorry this chapter is hella short compared to others. It's like,,, this awkward inbetween period where I'm trying to jam people's thoughts on the situation in but also do shit and just yeah I don't actually know what I'm doing-

Also my dumbass brain took forever to work out who needed to go against who and in what order in order for the outcome I wanted so uh fuck that

Third person pov

Bakugo trailed after Lillian and her two good friends with slightly wide eyes and a vaguely pale face, staring at her back as she bounced along anxiously. As though she hadn't just thought up a plan detailing how they would kill Endeavor, and even worse, how they would cover it up. She hadn't been shy about pulling out a notebook and drawing pie charts to help show the variables. Yeah, she was able to pull entire fucking pie charts out her ass and slap them down. 

He thought the scariest part was her smile. She was smiling the entire time, looking vaguely like Mr. Aizawa as she did so. Turnip and Pretty Boy Fuck weren't at all fazed. They acted like they were at some sort of damn board meeting, nodding along and taking notes. Where had they even got pens and notepads? He knew for a fact that they hadn't had them beforehand. He'd spent almost all the time he should have spent eating trying to deduce where they'd gotten them.

Lillian carefully explained that killing Endeavor was a last resort. They weren't going to do so if they didn't need to. Bakugo was sort of glad, because he may have actually gone along with the murder plan. Not only was it oddly sound for someone who'd barely had but an hour to think about it, but Lillian was just scary enough that he may be inclined to say yes while hiding his trembling hands in his pockets. He suddenly understood why the hell Discount Pikachu seemed to avoid her. It was always the quiet ones. She didn't stutter even once while relaying her assassination idea.

Instead of killing him, they were going to knock him off his pedestal. That was better than any of the torturous hell Lillian seemed to have planned in Bakugo's opinion. Kicking him off his high horse and grinding him into the ground while simultaneously exposing him would be the most satisfying to take part in and watch, though it was definitely the harder option. He somehow didn't doubt Lillian and her creepy blonde friend could figure something out. They were masterminds, and that was terrifying to him, though he wouldn't dare to admit it. He was pretty sure she could smell weakness.

There was an intimidating vibe about her he couldn't place. Something about the way she'd smile and tilt her head while asking Bakugo how he felt about giving someone an explosive kidney punch made him want to cackle and quiver at the same time. To further things, that damn Deku hadn't been fazed. It was the quietest, most timid girl in class, and he just nodded along like he'd been thinking the same damn thing! 

He prepared himself for the possibility of second or third place. Maybe fourth or fifth, even. Lillian could freeze shit, and he still wasn't quite sure how that Purple fuck's quirk worked. The blonde bastard could steal shit so who knows just what he'd nab on his way into the ring. He could take Lillian's quirk and just freeze him, so it was a lose-lose situation. And Ice fucker could apparently torch him if he decided he really wanted to, so that was bullshit. He somehow wasn't mad.

He felt... calmer than before. The whole Endeavor shit-show had definitely put him on edge. He was wary. How many heroes were corrupted like that? How many at the top? He knew All Might was fine. He'd met the guy, and he didn't particularly seem like a dickhole. The UA staff had been carefully selected, and nobody but All Might was really a chart topper. Less corruption that way. It did make him a bit paranoid about the internships. He wasn't an idiot; he knew he had a powerful quirk, and people wanted that shit. How many of them could he trust?

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