Chapter 50

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Wow a long chapter with feelings? Yipee

No seriously. Excusing this note, this chapter is exactly 5001 words. What the hell-

Third person pov

The talk with Recovery Girl was unbearably awkward. The amount of things they had to scrap made even Aizawa want to cringe. To say the school's resident nurse wasn't happy was an understatement. She had begun to rant about blood tests, and about how she could have accidentally killed Lillian who could have explosive blood, like Bakugo, or an igniter, like Iida.

Training was worse. It was pretty clear Lillian was completely drained, and both Neito and Hitoshi weren't far behind. Aizawa would never admit it, but he'd purposely kept it light today. It was mostly just stretching, and some more simple quirk use. Hitoshi and Neito took turns hypnotizing one another, which was about as odd to witness as it sounds.

Lillian's side effects were heightened. With her distress on the rise, it made sense. Her eyes were bloodshot after just five minutes of keeping their usual ball suspended in the air. She wasn't even looping around the track, either. All she did was sit and stare at it, sometimes reaching up to rub her eyes. It was pretty clear they were beginning to bother her. They'd have to go back to Recovery girl about that.

Lillian was afraid to face her parents. More afraid than she had been telling them about her quirk. Now that she knew, what would they think? Would they look at her or treat her differently? She prayed they still wanted her, and not a daughter who... didn't know she was adopted. It changed a lot, but it also didn't. Her parents were her parents, and they'd raised her. 

She really didn't know, and that bothered her. She was alright with not knowing what was ahead. She could deal with it most of the time. Living in a quirk filled world, surprises were inevitable, and having knowledge of everything that was to come would be more terrifying than not. It was better not to see it all coming right at you, in Lillian's opinion. But this was... this was different. It felt more terrifying and more dangerous than any threat.

"We'll go with you." Neito offered as they sat under a tree. Aizawa was sitting in his lawn chair a few feet away. He'd glared at them in an attempt to make them re-hydrate elsewhere, but they hadn't budged. "It'll be great! Mr. Aizawa will come with us for support! Your parents try anything, he can kick them in the shins while we run."

"I'll be doing nothing of the sort." Aizawa butted in, but he was ignored. He rolled his eyes.

"There's no way your parents would disown you with your crippled homeroom teacher in the room." Hitoshi comforted, patting her back. Lillian frowned a little, reaching up and rubbing at her eyes again. They were incredibly itchy, and she didn't know why. Had they been itchy at the USJ? She'd been crying so much she hadn't noticed. She had been coughing up blood and suffering severe stomach and chest pains at the time.

"Crippled?" Aizawa muttered to himself. He was secretly a little pleased that they thought having him there would be reassuring. I mean, anyone would be, of course. That was every teacher's goal! To be a comfort and grounding source of protection. That didn't mean Aizawa particularly wanted to sit as Lillian's parents sputtered out excuses and/or explanations.

"We can be the official Lillian Protection Squad." Neito did jazz hands. Lillian was clearly not sold on the idea.

"I think I heard Present Mic singing somewhere in the building. We can get him to join in on it. He adores you or something, right?" Hitoshi was already standing up to retrieve the blonde, much to Lillian and Aizawa's absolute horror. Mic? Lillian loved him, but did she want him there when she confronted her parents for the first time after confirming that she was indeed adopted. Uh, no. Not really.

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