Chapter 93

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Third person pov

Dabi really isn't a very nice person in general. Not appearance or personality wise. His childhood royally screwed him over, his view of things was jaded. His urge for revenge still smoldering deep within him as well, which didn't help things. The issue was that... well, Endeavor had been arrested. It had hit the news just earlier that very day, and it left Dabi wondering what he was supposed to do now. He'd wanted to take down fake heroes, namely his father. But now his father's pedestal had crumbled thanks to Lillian and her willingness to speak out against the flaming asshole. He was at a loss.

He'd agreed to join the League of Villains, but didn't have much else to do otherwise. Honestly, him being a part of the criminal group seemed sort of pointless now. Especially considering they were planning attack on UA's class 1-A and 1-B, and if anything, he owed them. Plus, what good would come from attacking a bunch of teenagers? That Shigaraki fucker was just an idiot who didn't know what moisturizer was. That's essentially all there was to the man. That and video game references, but they weren't going to talk about that.

All that aside, when a vaguely attractive blonde man leaned out of a car in all seriousness and told him to get in if he wanted to live, he didn't see why he shouldn't comply. That was the main point here.

"Everything you need is in the glove compartment." Chad said as they drove. Dabi glanced at the man, wondering who he was. He looked exhausted for one thing, with dark bags under his eyes. He could also use a shave, and was probably a psychopath. Dabi really wasn't one to judge all things considered. While the scarred man prided himself in being relatively sane, which was honestly a surprise, he wasn't too sure how qualified he was to try and figure out whether or not other people were batshit. He knew Shigaraki was, but everyone knew that guy was crazy.

Dabi leaned forward and popped the glove box anyway, eyeing the golden-eyed man. Shockingly enough, it was filled with books. Not what he'd been expecting. He'd braced for... he didn't know. A human foot? A gun? A small grease fire? The guy's car smelt like a fast food joint on speed. He smelt cheap burgers, high-end take out, pie, and- was that gunpowder? He didn't want to know. He was 43% convinced this guy was a murderer. 

"Parenting 101?" Dabi scoffed, raising a brow at the driver. Definitely batshit. If the blonde lost his cool, it was nothing Dabi couldn't handle. He'd just cremate the car and the odd man with it. He was joining the League anyway, seeing as he had nothing better to do with his time.

"Yep." Chad popped the P just to be obnoxious. Dabi pushed down his irritation and urge to burst into flames.

"Any reason why?" Dabi asked, his tone dry and rather bored. Chad thrust his thumb back towards the back seat, and it occurred to Dabi that he should've made sure the probably-insane, vaguely-attractive man was the only one in the car. That would have been the smart thing to do, anyway Mildly alarmed but no willing to show it, he twisted around to see what the guy was referring to. He distantly wondered if maybe he'd made a mistake as his gaze came to rest on just what lie behind him. He'd expected a body, but not this.

Eri gave a bright wave, clutching a water gun close to her chest with her sunglasses propped up on her forehead. Vlad let out a little screech of greeting as well, hunched over awkwardly due to his height. Dabi was frozen, eyes wide and body petrified. There was a small child in the back seat. With a beanie clad, mutant... mutant turkey thing, mixed with several other horrifying beings. He didn't know. He didn't want to know. What the fuck was that thing, and why was it allowed to sit by a little girl?

"What... the actual fuck." 

"Language, fuckface!" Eri sprayed him in the face with her plastic weapon of choice. Dabi was too shocked to be mad.

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