Chapter 8

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Lillian's pov

I slid open the door, and it made a loud rattle as I did so. I winced, peeking into the room. A few people turned to look at me curiously. I froze immediately, my face flushing red. What do I do? I feel like I'm supposed to say something, but I really don't know what that something is. I just can't believe I'm actually here. Here in a room full of future heroes. Here in a room as... a future hero.

Well, hopefully.

"Hey! The name's Kaminari. What's yours?" A boy with yellow hair said cheerfully. He'd been leaning against a desk chatting with a boy with spiked back red hair, and he immediately pushed himself away to greet me. He held out his hand. I thought back to when Shinso did the same. Maybe the people that go here are just really nice. I guess if they want to be heroes they'd have to be at least a little polite, right?

"A-Ah, it's nice to meet you." I reached out and took his hand, shaking it softly. He grinned. "I'm... er, Lillian." I ducked my head, brushing some hair behind my ear. I glanced around at the rest of the room. Most of my classmates had begun to gravitate towards the where I was standing, much to my horror.

"I'm Tsuyu, but my friends call me Tsu." A girl with green hair and large, dark eyes greeted me with a small wave. I offered a smile and a nod.

"Hey, I think I saw you during the entrance exam! You saved that one boy with the messed up leg, right?" The red haired boy seemed to recognize me. My face flushed again with surprise. "I'm Kirishima. You were really cool out there."

"A-Ah, thank you!" Everyone is being so nice; I really don't know what to do. I don't know why I expected a room full of intimidating and powerful teens. I'm sure they're powerful, but they're all being so welcoming. Teamwork is essential when being a hero, so I guess getting to know these guys would probably be good.

"Yo, I'm Sero!" Another boy greeted.

"And I'm Mineta." I squeaked slightly, looking down with wide eyes. A short boy with purple orbs on his head stared up at me with an odd smile on his face. "You have nice boobs."

I squeaked in surprise, bringing my arms up to cover my chest. What's happening? "Hey, knock it off!" A very tall girl reached down to hit him over the head. I stared at her with wide eyes, not sure what to do or how to react. "Ignore him. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." She introduced formally, sticking out a hand. I shook it.

"Er, it's nice to meet all of you. S-Sorry." I sputtered, blushing and ducking my head. 

"Don't apologize! I was just as nervous when I first walked in too!" It took me a second to realize that someone invisible was in the room with us. I blinked at her. 

"Me too, Hagakure." Tsu sighed. The chatter picked up after that. I stepped back awkwardly, still not knowing what to do or say. I definitely don't fit in with these people. They're all very kind and welcoming! I just... I just don't know what I'm supposed to do! 

"Say, Lillian, what's your quirk anyway?" Sero asked. I jumped slightly, not expecting to be included. 

"I- er... I can fr-freeze what's in front of me." I explained softly, shuffling my feet. 

"Yeah, I saw her stop this robot dead in its tracks! And it just stood there while she dragged this hurt guy away! It was crazy. You should have seen her climb the thing. She ripped the wire right out of its neck." Kirishima grinned, raising a fist. I blushed profusely. 

"Man, I wish I had that quirk!" Sero whined. He raised his arms, and I could see that the elbows were a bit bulkier than they should have been. "I can just shoot tape out of my elbows. It's super strong, but it definitely isn't going to stop anything dead in its tracks."

"T-Tape" I found myself too curious not to ask. "It just shoots out?" 

"Yeah, it's super sticky." Sero grinned. "It's good in urban settings for grabbing onto things so I can swing through the streets. I think that's why I passed."

"I'm just lucky it was robots. They weren't hard to short circuit." Kaminari raised his hands, which sparked.

"Whoa, that's cool." Tsu blinked at him curiously. "Can you shoot it out?"

"I have to be touching it. Sort of like touching an open wire." He grinned, sparking again. My eyes widened in awe. That's amazing! Their quirks are so cool, and... I almost feel like maybe we can be friends! This class is so small, and it wouldn't make sense not to get acquainted, right? I'm going to be moving through this school with these people for years. Being a loner isn't really an option, is it?

"How many volts can you manage?" I found myself asking before I could stop myself. "S-Sorry. Just curious."

"I want to know too. Your quirk has numerous possibilities." Momo seemed very curious. I smiled slightly.

Maybe... I can fit in here.



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