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For those of you thinking this is an update I am so sorry, there is one in the works!

I know it's been almost half a year since the last update and that's insane. Time flies so fast and I'm so sorry this book's been neglected. Thank you for sticking with it this far.

As this story comes to a close— because it is so close to the end— it's getting harder to write chapters. There's tons of loose ends that need to tie together and I've never been good at that. But that's not why I'm writing this note.

I can't even believe I've got to write a whole part for this but here we go.

Rereaders... I am so glad you like this story enough to go through it more than once. But for the love of God, please shut up 😭

I've blocked countless accounts. I've asked you to stop. I've deleted, collectively, THOUSANDS of comments. Commenting spoilers— whyyy are you doing that? Do you want me to block you? Do you want to ruin the story for people experiencing it for the first time?

The people just finding this story want to interact with it the exact same way you did when you first found it. I just had to write a warning in the prologue telling them not to do that.

I can't keep up. There's too many chapters and too many comments and though I'm glad you all love it, it's gotten so out of hand that there's essentially nothing I can do.

I foreshadow a lot of things in the book. Commenting "RR" on that foreshadowing? It's still a spoiler. Commenting "RR" anywhere incriminating is still a spoiler! Commenting "RR ew him" anytime Izuku talks is a spoiler. Commenting "RR 👹" anytime Lillian's Not-Parents speak is still a spoiler.

You're not being specific, but what you're commenting on is specific. People aren't idiots. They know something is up and can generally figure it out. People are commenting that they don't like Izuku? Well it's pretty fucking obvious to anyone who doesn't know what happens that he does something awful coming up!

Stop. If you're rereading, stop!!! I'm tired of blocking people when I happen to see them pop up in my notifications only to have them come bludgeon me on Instagram begging to be unblocked. I love it when you guys comment and interact, but this is ruining it for so, so many people. This is not the type of interaction any author, or any of your fellow readers, want!

I never imagined any of my stories could get this much traction or readership. I love you all and I'm sorry for the slow updates on this book. It was my first BNHA book and it's a mess, and there so many storylines in it that have to converge. And they will, soon— but having people message me about spoilers, having half my notifications be spoilers ruining this book for everyone else? It's disheartening and unmotivating.

More than once I've had to read back because I've forgotten something and need to check, and just seeing all the new readers complaining about spoilers just— it doesn't send me crying or anything, but I almost always just close the book and go work on something else. It's not cool. I once went through and deleted every single one way back when this first became a problem and it did nothing.

It just makes me not want to write it. I love that there's so many fans, that you're all attached to this book. But it's hard to give something an end, especially when I know people are just going to comment about it. I know you don't mean any harm but God, it just sucks the life right outta me.

I've tried to start the next chapter so many times, but I HAVE to read back to do that because my memory is shit and this story is massive. And seeing those comments just flips my switch right off. I can hardly write Lillian anymore it feels like. Even on Patreon, Harper Rye from Mind Boggled dominates much of the content.

So please stop. And please, if you're rereading a third or more time and have commented spoilers in the past, try to delete them going back through if you can find them. Because once this book finishes I am going through it again, and you are going to get blocked for it.

This whole thing has made me wonder if I even want to do a book two, or if I even can. There were going to be two spin offs to this book— Chad's story, and an (essentially crack) time travel spin off. But Lillian may lay to rest with this book and Chad may too. Thinking about this story exhausts me. It's like the annoying cousin you try to treat like every other child but that nobody likes.

This book was the start of a fandom for me. I still love it, even if it's cringey at some parts and generally terrible. But it may just be a book closed.

I will do my best to finish it, and soon. Barring the the two chapters out on Patreon's early access, I'd say there's only three chapters left, maybe four or five. That's five, six, maybe seven for anyone who doesn't have Patreon. It's right at its tail end.

Thank you all for reading, if you did read this. Tbh if you did, you're probably not the problem anyway.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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