Chapter 79

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Third person pov

Seconds after telling Shoto what was going on, Fuyumi had received an address and specific instructions to go knock on the door and wait for him there. Neither of the two women were sure where it led, but Fuyumi knew she couldn't bring her mother home. They had to keep Endeavor in the dark for as long as possible, and that meant Rei Todoroki could never return to the estate she'd been trapped in in the years leading up to her being instated in the mental hospital that had served as her home for the past seven or so years, maybe more. 

"D...Do you know where we're going?" Rei asked her daughter quietly. She wondered belatedly if this was all a dream. She'd long since resigned herself to the fact that she was going to live out her days in that hospital. Rei was sure she'd spend the remaining years of her life staring out the window and wondering just what it would be like to go outside. She had access to a TV and got to see the news, but it was her only connection to the outside world.

Stepping out of the hospital had been like stepping out of a dream. It wasn't a particularly good dream, but it hadn't been bad enough to be a nightmare. They'd been kind and understanding to her there. She was safe and could refuse to see her husband the few times he'd tried to come speak with her, and she'd make some friends. It hadn't been the absolute worst it could have been, but she was relieved to be out nonetheless. 

Rei had always dreamed of doing simple things and living the mundane life she'd always dreamed of. Going to a cafe with friends or browsing through a bookstore. Having lunch with Fuyumi and gardening in the evening. Rushing to catch a train or getting caught in the rain. Cooking breakfast in a real kitchen and sitting at a real table in a real home. They were all such small things, some not even good. But she missed them. She missed them dearly.

They were close to UA, pulling into a cozy little neighborhood that had nice houses, but not too nice. Fuyumi slowed, eyes nervously darting from the road in front of her, to her GPS, and then back again. She was very clearly uneasy due to all of this. Knowing this was against her father's wishes, there's no way she couldn't be. The fear that came with the mere thought of getting thought had to be crushing. Rei felt horribly guilty for putting her child in such a place.

"Is this it?" Fuyumi asked hesitantly as her GPS chimed, alerting them that they'd arrived at their destination. It was a modest house, not too big, but not too small either. The front yard was beautifully groomed, with flowers planted neatly in the bed out front. Momentarily, Fuyumi wondered if this was where Shoto was staying. Anytime she or Endeavor asked, he'd simply respond with the vague yet explanatory answer 'a friend.' Fuyumi didn't blame her youngest brother for not telling her or Natsuo. Doing so would risk Endeavor finding out. 

"I...I suppose so." Rei's eyes darted from the house to the GPS. It was the type of house she'd have liked to live in at a time. It seemed like somewhere she would have preferred to raise her kids. It wasn't the nicest home in the world expense wise, but it was modest. A modest, nice home that made her heart ache and her mouth downturn into a small frown as she dwelt on all she'd missed out on. After all, her babies were all grown up. There was no one left to raise.

"...Come on. If Shoto sent us here, I'm sure it's safe." Fuyumi offered a smile that didn't reach her ears, but the reassurance sounded weak even in her own ears. Rei appreciated it nonetheless, her smile small but loving as she carefully climbed out of the car. She took a moment to regain her balance. It had been so long since she'd last rode in a car; it felt weird to get out of one. 

They took their time shuffling up to the front door, both radiating unease. Fuyumi's phone gave a ping, and a quick glance at the screen told her Shoto was on his way and would be there as soon as possible. The young woman took a deep breath, putting on a brave face for her mother as she boldly reached out and rung the doorbell. The chime startled Rei only slightly. The white-haired woman glanced around as though expecting Endeavor or one of his colleagues to jump out at any given moment. 

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