more crap

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Everyones Florida: Crazy, weird, doesn't listen, does drugs, +more

My Florida: Bipolar, Depressed, can be silly, weird, caring.


Native: A Phone? Is that some sort of Herb?

New York: Grandma, its a electronics.

Native: Electronics?

New York: I give up!


Portugal: DO you think we had to MANY kids?

Spain: *Stares at South America trying to kill each other* Nahhhh


Mexico, America, Canada, Greenland, and Antarctica: *Sitting in a room*

Antarctica and Greenland: *Flirting in Sign language*

Mexico: *Leans over to America and whispers in her ear* DO you have an idea of what they are saying?

America: Just smile and they will stop.

Canada: I see LSQ (Quebec Sign Language) but they are using so many different words in different Sign languages  I can even keep up!

Greenland: *Looks over at the three* Do you mind?

America: *Stands up and smiles* And thats my cue to leave!


Alaska: "Today I will show you what a Normal family is like!"  She Walks over to Canada's Kids "This is a normal family, Now I will show you my siblings  and Uncle Mexico's kids (They Call Mexico Uncle)." 

Texas: "Fuck ya lets go burn down the U.N building!" Texas had gathered her fellow southern states

Sonora: "¡Joder, sí! ¡Por México!"

Texas: "And America!"

Alaska: "This is my cousins and siblings, now if you excuse me, I need to go hide our matches and pitch forks."


South and North Carolina:*Watching their kids (County's and City's) run around and kill each other* 

South: Reminds me when we were kids.

North: God, we were so much worse, Remember when me, you, and Virginia tried killing California after she insulted our Beaches?

South: Yep, that was a sad- Dare county! Get of of Hyde! 

North: South get your kids under control!

South: After you get yours!


 (This is a meme I found hilarious)

Arkansas: I have to go tell Uncle (Mommy)!

Con: What?

Arkansas: Oh Hiii Cony (Mommy)

Con: Oh Hi Are

Arkansas: I cant go to bed. I'm scared!

Con: What are you scared of?

Arkansas: Scared about broccolis.

Con: pfttttt-


Memes I shall Make But With StateHumans And CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now