Native and Spanish.

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headcannons about them, okay.

Spanish had been making her way on a trip to India when she came across Natives land, her men were killed by animals and she had been there a month before Native found her, or crashed into her. Spanish was scared out of her mind at first, but soon relaxed after she saw Native was more scared of her then she was to Native.

After Native had America and Confederate, she had sent France back, she worried France would never get to live her normal European life here and wanted her to be happy, little did she now what trouble France got into.

(You will not understand this unless you read 64 LTM's, it will also make sense ) When Native was Three, her father had taught her some dark magic. He had gone hunting and she had tried bringing her brother (Native Canada) Back from the dead, only for it to fail and taking his soul into her own. Native Canada could control her body if he wished (Which he didn't) and they got to grow up together, literally. 

Native had first been worried sick about liking Spanish, she though of the ways her ancestors would not approve, but soon pushed it aside, caring more about Spanish then her past. 

Spanish's original plan was to take Native back to Europe, showing her sisters that she was right, but after seeing Native had a bond to everything around her, decided against it.

Native taught France how to use the magic she had, they even wrote books about their discoveries, they were close (As In friends).

Before France left, Native gave her a wooded Gallic Rooster, which France still has in a case up on her mantle. 

When Spanish went back to Europe, she had became friends with Britain, only to find out he was Frances Fiancé, she had told Britain everything and he just helped her along the way. 

Britain knew about America being related to France, but still treated her with anger, he never forgiven himself for it.

Native had fell into depression when Spanish left, she tried controlling her emotions, but taking care of hundreds of kids and hoping your wife doesn't die can be a big toll in life. 

Native and Spanish didn't have the best relationship at first, Spanish had been controlling over Native and Native never really interacting with another person didn't notice, she just thought it was how everyone acted. Spanish then stopped when she noticed she was becoming violent.

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