Canada and Mexico Headcanons

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Canada and Mexico met each other after America got drunk one night and was trying to make Snow angels in the grass, Mexico had been with her and called Canada, knowing that Canada would pick her up.

Mexico dated America, thinking he liked her,  but he broke up with her for two reasons, One was he knew she kept to many secrets, and it scared him. Two was because he never felt that spark between him and America, but felt it with Canada.

Mexico had been semi jealous when Canada was around Ukraine (They are BFF's nothing lovey) but after he met Ukraine, he then learned that Canada and him were just really good friends and Ukraine and Mexico became friends. 

Canada was worried that Mexico would freak out if he told him that he and Ukraine were friends, but relaxed when the two bonded over weird things they knew about Canada.

Mexico and Canada are really happy together and literally have no secrets, Mexico does get embarrassed when Canada walks down the street and yells ' I have the best Boyfriend in the world!'.

(Thats it for know. If you have any questions about their relationship I will answer them)

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