If Canada and Mexico had a child, part 3

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Canada: Honey watch this, she laughs! *Does something funny*


Canada: She did it a minute ago...

Mexico: Let me try-  AHHHHHHHHHHHH*Slips and falls over, banging his head on the table*

Grace: *Claps hands and laughs at Mexico*

Canada: She has your personality.

Mexico; I Know.  Help me up, I think I broke something. 

Grace: *Falls over in baby laughter*

Mexico: We are raising a demon.... 

Canada: I dont think so

Mexico: Look at that Demonic laughter!

Canada: Mexico, that just baby laughter.

Mexico: I don't trust her, she could be working for some enemy of mine!

Canada: Mexico, she is a child.

Grace: *Babbles and throws toys every where*

Mexico: ... Its evil.

Canada: You are making no sense!

Mexico: I never do! * Walks away*

Grace: *Baby mind: They are weird- ohhh look a stuffed animal!*  *Babbles and coos while hugging stuffed animal.*

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