Dark Headcanons 2.

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Part 2.

When Canada was little, he had found Britain abusing America, Britain had threatened to hit Canada if he told France or Spain.

Australia has massive Anxiety issues, she can not be separated from New Zealand for more then 4 hours. She grew this issue after she heard how Britain tried drowning her.

When New Zealand met Belarus, he had been  trying to pull America away from hanging herself from a tree, Belarus's older sibling  ( Kazakhstan) Came over and  pulled America away from the tree. New Zealand and Belarus had then started meeting up at that tree every day, talking about their family problems. 

California will sometimes lose her mind and blurt out history about World War I and II.

Native had been Pregnant when Britain killed her, Cherokee and Sioux tried saving the baby, but it had died before they could do anything to help. 

Spanish Empire disappeared at the bar when America and Confederate found each other because her Empire was falling apart and she had been slowly dying. Not because she united the Twins.

Cherokee had tried saving her siblings, only to have one of Britain's men tie her to a tree and tried abusing  her, she was then saved by an angry Navajo.

Delaware and Pennslvainnia have a memory when America had been giving birth to New Jersey,  they recall it being a bloody mess and America had been screaming on the top of her lungs. If you ask America, she would say that was her most painful birth ever.

When Florida was born, she had been originally East Florida, West Florida, her twin, had died a couple years later, after Mississippi and Alabama were done playing with her, the baby had adventured off into the woods and was attacked by a pack of wolves. East Florida then became the Florida you know today.

Texas is scared of Mexico after he beat the crap out of her with a shoe after she called him a asshole.

Rhode Island has a Immune Deficiency and if he gets sick, he has to be sent to the hospital, once he had the Flu and the doctors didn't think he was going to make it.  

D.C can remember Flash backs from Americas life, but not Confederates.

D.C had been a triplet of Montgomery and Richmond. Montgomery died due to scarlet fever after  Confederate took her and Richmond. Richmond died later on after Confederate lost the Civil war, she died to Scarlet fever as well. D.C will sometimes roam around the house calling for 'Rich' and 'Monty', It breaks everyone's hearts when she tries yelling for them to play hide and seek with her. She will even run up to Confederate and ask him to help her find them.

America still remembers her total of 25 suicide attempts, they haunt her to this day.

North Dakota and South Dakota are deadly scared of snakes after one attacked them when they were infants.

New Zealand had always looked up to America and after she started falling asleep at meetings and stumbling around, New Zealand wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing something was wrong. 

America used to foster care for younger countries, West Germany and Philippeans were two of the longest countries she cared for, then everyone found out about her falling asleep and everyone was scared she would hurt them and found new guardians for the younger countries. When they tried taking Japan away from America, she threw a hissy fit and about attacked U.N

Canada knew some Cherokee for some reason, people think because he grew up practically teaching America English, but some suspect because he had started losing his mind.

Usa seems like America, but is her opposite in everything,    the only thing they have in common is their past and loving Hawaii.

After searching every where, America and Confederate think Cherokee is still alive.

Nasa cries herself to sleep each night for reasons no one knows of, but Guam is  the only one who calms her down. 

Native had been protecting Roanoke from getting shot because she knew the 16 year old was pregnant and didn't want her or the baby hurt. 

Delaware has bruises on his back that his mother doesn't know of from falling out of a tree while protecting Pennsylvania when he was 9. 

All 64 children in the American house hold knew that America would harm herself sometimes, that when Alaska and Hawaii made a pact to help their mother at all costs. 

(Maybe part 3?) 

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